I tested this morning at 9dp5dt on a clearblue with weeks indicator and it showed "2-3 weeks". However, I had my beta taken less than 2 hours later and they are 115. Apparently the clearblue threshold for 2-3 weeks is 153. Has anyone else had this happen? Could my hcg levels be dropping so quickly?
Clear Blue weeks vs hcg result - Fertility Network UK
Clear Blue weeks vs hcg result

Your HCG levels are highly unlikely to have dropped so quickly. No 'stick' pregnancy tests are 100% accurate. I would focus on the HCG result which is perfect for where you are at 9dp and step away from the tests for the sake of your sanity! There is nothing to be gained from repeat testing as it just messes with your head - I promise I am an expert! Congrats on your pregnancy! x

Thank you so much for the reply, I really appreciate it. You are completely right, I'm just getting myself worked up. I have a history of chemical pregnancies so just trying to find a way to not feel stressed x
As Hidden it's not likely they could fall that fast it's more than likely you were maybe slight dehydrated and your urine was concentrated for the rest to show the 2-3 weeks. They are a bit gimmicky so never going to be that accurate whereas the bloods are! Congrats.xx
I got 2-3 weeks at 8dp5dt and my blood hcg was 159 so would have been much lower on my urine. Clearblue are very good tests but it’s impossible for them to be totally accurate for everyone - if so another blood test if possible after 2 days just to check doubling x