4th transfer BFN - immune tests? - Fertility Network UK

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4th transfer BFN - immune tests?

Patches86 profile image
9 Replies

Another BFN this morning (4th failed transfer). I had slight hope as this was a PGTA tested embryo and applied my ERA result (pre receptive). I feel at a loss for what to do next.

Anyone who has done the immune testing/NK cells tests and can share whether it might be worthwhile doing these tests and if in London, any specific doctor/clinic?

Thank you

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Patches86 profile image
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9 Replies
XOXO13 profile image

So sorry for your BFN, sending hugs 💞

For my fourth transfer, I moved clinics and explored immune testing. The reason for that is because I ticked many markers for someone who may have immune issues; previous miscarriages, recurrent implantation failure, family history of autoimmune disease, under 35… I also kept getting poorly with my previous transfers which the doctors didn’t think was related, but my gut was telling me it was playing a role (like I had swollen glands and a fever, as if I was trying to fight of an infection…)

Anyway, my NK cells came back elevated and I also have elevated TG antibodies, both of which need treating with steroids.

With my fourth transfer, we went for a new fresh cycle, short protocol and my medication was increased across the board from stims, to starting blood thinners much earlier, to use of steroids. It finally worked for me, and so far I’m doing okay. I genuinely believe a fresh perspective and the immune protocol helped me get this far so I definitely think it’s worth exploring clinics that specialise in immune medicine and who are willing to adapt to a treatment plan specific to your needs.

I started by exploring clinic recommendations via the HFEA website and The Duff as well, and narrowed it down that way. I booked two consultations with two different clinics to understand their recommendations and went with who I felt most comfortable with. Xx

Patches86 profile image
Patches86 in reply to XOXO13

Thank you so much for your reply and congrats on your pregnancy! I feel like immune testing is really the only unturned stone so makes sense to go that route next. Was your clinic in London? Did you do blood tests and a scratch of your womb for a sample to test?

XOXO13 profile image
XOXO13 in reply to Patches86

Thank you 💗

Yes, I’m central London based.

I did lots of blood tests, probably every blood test under the sun! I didn’t do a scratch of the womb though - that wasn’t necessary in my case anyway. They took 11 blood samples, so a fair amount! Xx

Pnw2020 profile image
Pnw2020 in reply to XOXO13

Hi XOXO13.Do you mind sending me a PM with the name of the clinic? I also have raised TG antibodies but my current clinic or endocrinologist didn't think this required steroids but would like to explore this further. Many thanks

Patches86. So sorry to hear about your failed transfer. Have you also had the EMMA/ALICE test? I think there is webinar on this site about the gut microbiome, which might be worth watching.

Millbanks profile image

Hi lovely, sorry to hear about your BFN - hope you're holding up ok.

I was similar to you in that I had my ERA done which showed I was pre-receptive. I had my 5th transfer with the new ERA timing (hopeful that this was the key) and it didn't work. After that we decided to have our remaining embryos PGTA tested and from 8, 6 were normal - so unless we were incredibly unlucky with the ones chosen to transfer previously, something else had to be going on.

like XOXO13 we looked in to immunology - my main reason was that both of my parents have psoriasis (which is an auto immune disease) and I'd read somewhere that it can be a marker that you may have some immune issues also. Sure enough my NK cells were extremely elevated so for our 6th transfer we had new ERA timing, PGTA tested embryo and steroids / intralipids and success! I feel like through all our previous transfers my immune system was just fighting so hard against them. I'd never had a positive test previously so I know there was definitely an implantation issue.

I would definitely talk to your clinic about it - I know some don't believe in immune protocols but for me I am convinced this was the final tick for us.

Feel free to PM me if you would like any more info xxx

Patches86 profile image
Patches86 in reply to Millbanks

This gives me hope that I may still have a chance in the future! I’m so happy that it finally worked for you ☺️ I might PM you for more info if you don’t mind!

AuroraXen profile image

So so sorry to hear this Patches. It's just sh*t 💔 I haven't explored immune testing actually. I did wonder about it, after my recent 2nd transfer failed. Across my insane fertility journey the past few years I've been TTC naturally with my husband for almost 18 months, I had 2 IVF cycles and 4 home inseminations solo, with donor sperm (when my husband and I separated... as i say, insane story). And nothing, in all that time. Always a blank test. The last ICSI cycle (with my husband) was my third IVF attempt, and gave me my second ET. And we were torn a bit, as to whether to go down the immune testing route or crack on with round 3. We're doing the latter, as I guess we concluded 2 ETs failing could still be just bad luck. If the third (starting down-regging again in Sept) cycle gets as far as an ET but still doesn't stick, I think we'll explore this. So sorry again xx

Patches86 profile image
Patches86 in reply to AuroraXen

Thanks for sharing. All the best with round 3 next month. I have my fingers crossed for you x

Hope_1234 profile image

Hi lovely

I previously had 3 failed transfers then went onto era and immune testing /NK cells test.

If you have had an era and a negative test with a normal embryo I'd definitely recommend immune testing.

I had a biopsy of my uterus which tested for uterine NK cells, which shown I had nervous / inflamed NK cells. My Dr prescribed 20mg prednisolone steroids daily from day 3 of my cycle I will continue with that up until 12 weeks.

From the biopsy they also added in clexane injections / which is a blood thinner.

Also are you currently taking low dose asprin? As my clinic have recommend me to take that.

My era timing was also out and I needed an extra 12 hours of progresterone (but obviously you got that bit sorted)

They also increased the amount of progresterone I was taking from 3 to 4 cyclogest daily and also added in a lubion injection daily. My results from my progresterone blood test shown that levels were slightly low. Have they increased your progresterone since your ERA or done a progresterone blood test ?

They also increased my estrogen as I suffered with a thin lining, they increased that from 4 to 5 tablets of progynova daily and also added in 2 estrogen patches every other day. My lining then managed to get to 7.5 before starting progresterone.

My clinic recommended I had my thyriod levels checked, if your thyroid if over 2.5 it can affect you getting pregnant and also affects your pregnancy when you are pregnant. My levels were 3.7. I started taking 50mcg levothyroxine, after 3 weeks my levels to 1.37. I have to continue taking that all way through my pregnancy.

After those changes. My fourth transfer worked and I'm currently pregnant with twins.

My clinic offer the test as one so the era and immune testing. But I'm sure other ladies on here can recommend a clinic close to you that can offer a clinic that tests for uterine NK cells.

You can get a thyriod blood test at your clinic

Another tip I had was to take buscopan before my transfer, and after my transfer and continue with 2 tablets a day for 4 days. As that can help prevent your uterus contracting.

Best of luck any questions my inbox is always open xx

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