Which day of women cycle dr normally transfer embryo?( I know it’s 5 days after egg harvesting) but maximum which day of women cycle they can transfer embryo which is safe and good chances of pregnancy ? I mean is it ok to transfer on women cycle day 24-25? Or It needed to have it between CD18-22?
Embryo transfer : Which day of women... - Fertility Network UK
Embryo transfer
I think it depends if you are referring to fresh or frozen transfer. For fresh transfer I think it can be longer as all depends on number of stimulated days, on FET is shorter which will correspond with your menstrual cycle, day 14 of your cycle you will start to take progesterone and 5-6 days later you will have the transfer. My personal opinion is that cycle day doesn't really matter that much, if your body is ready than day 24 or 18 won't matter that much. If you are getting pregnant, your pregnancy will be calculated from you last menstrual cycle until week 12, after that will change the date according to your baby development. What is more important is transfer day must happen on day 5 or day 6 (if you had an ERA test done).Good luck in your journey 🤩🤞🤗
Thank you very much for your answer and best wishes:-). My transfer is on Wednesday 4August on Day 24 of my cycle. My husband freeze his sperm just 4 days ago because he wanted to travel urgently for some reason. My body was not ready. But after taking injections and trigger shot my egg collection was on day 19. My coordinator isn’t helpful so I was bit worried about day 24-25 transfer but now I am relex Thanks again
I can only speak to frozen transfers but I'm not sure if it matters for FET - for me during one of my medicated FETs I went in for a lining check around day 14, and they found that my lining wasn't think enough so they had me stay on the estrogen for a week longer to get the lining up and I transferred around day 28. All the other ones it's been around day 21. They don't thaw the embryos until the day of for FETs, so they can change things around like that. With a fresh transfer, you and the embryo need to be at the same stage.
It's not so much the day of the woman's cycle, but the day that corresponds to the age of the embryo that is being transferred. If the embryo is a 3-day embryo, then it must be transferred three days after ovulation has occurred, either via IVF collection, or created with medications for FET. It's the number of days after this hormones situation has started, not how many days since her LMP, i.e. which cycle day she is on.
I think it depends on when you started progesterone. It could be day 19 or 21.