So after getting a positive on Monday (I'm not sure I should call it a "BFP" since it wasn't so big and fat at 76 iu/l on 12dp5dt) our doctor told us to test again that day (it took 48 hours to get the test results due to the weekend) and then again 48 hours after that, which was yesterday. The progression has gone like this:
12dp5dt: 76
14dp5dt: 139
16dp5dt: 227
He said the "evolution was correct but quite slow." Quiet slow certainly isn't "good" I'm sure. He didn't say he's concerned but "quite slow" certainly implies that. He wants us to just test again on Friday (48 hours after most recent), then on Monday (72 hours later, since lab closed Sunday) and then again 48 hours after that.
I really don't know how to feel. No ultrasound scheduled yet. We were supposed to go on Vacation for a week starting Tuesday, but I guess we will be cancelling that.
I am having pregnancy symptoms in that I am EXHAUSTED, and smells are already starting to bother me. I also have some darkening of skin pigmentation already.
It's hard because I really don't know what to do! Should I be on bed rest? Just take it easy? It's hard to focus on anything. I've just been watching movies mostly to take my mind off things.
Anyone ever been in a similar situation?
EDIT: Please do not tell me to NOT follow mt doctor's advice, it is stressful, adds stress, thanks!! xo