So I am pregnant, and just found out yesterday. Tomorrow we'll go for our third HCG test to see if it has come close to doubling again and if things look viable. I am so keenly aware that this could be taken away from us at any moment, so I'm really just trying to be present for it now. I am pregnant right now at least! I might not be pregnant tomorrow but for now I am pregnant and we have this brief moment, maybe, with a tiny little embryo that implanted and is (maybe) still around. It feels impossible that I will actually stay pregnant, but I am trying to take it easy and just take it one day at a time. xo
Trying to be in the moment for once - Fertility Network UK
Trying to be in the moment for once

Just sending hugs, enjoy this time xx
Congrats! Xx
Congratulations! You are pregnant today. Just focus on that 🤞😊
That is the only way to cope with the early pregnancy and stay sane! Every pregnancy has been early and fragile but reality is a lot do survive! Why shouldn't yours? Anyway I'm wishing you the best with for your blood test I hope it offers reassurance. Enjoy pregnancy like you are you deserve to be happy. Don't think about it going wrong unless it does ( hopefully won't go wrong) worrying won't make a loss better anyway and stress isn't helpful for you or your precious embryo 🥰 Xx
Congratulations honey! It absolutely is possible, a few days ago I’m sure you thought it wasn’t possible to even get pregnant again and look at you! 🥰 you’re doing amazing. Stay in this moment and enjoy x
Lovely news! Congratulations !!! Hang on in there with the next waiting game 😬 ! Distract yourself and try and take care of yourself as much as possible xxx
Hugs for you. I am here living one day at a time and sometimes one minute at a time. Is hard to believe that our pregnancy will go well after so many losses, at least in my case. Wishing you al the best! you are not alone with this fear.