My first round of ivf was done last March, fresh transfer of day 3 8AA failed, my period came back two month after, I did an hysteroscopy, remove a polyp and I struggled with bleeding that didn't stop until I had my period. This cycle it was just about monitoring and the doctor said i had a "beautiful ovulation" and that he still believes that I can get pregnant naturally now I start bleeding even if I'm taking progesterone, after two years ttc this should not be a surprise for me but I still get sad. My husband want me to believe that the next transfer will be a success , that my pessimistic brain causes this failure but I don't know how to do that I don't get answers I don't know what is wrong I can't do ERA or genetic testing on the remain frozen embryos , I feel frustrated, I'm 33 and I feel like I'm running out of time and that maybe this will never happen, that I will never see the two so wanted lines 💔😢😔
I'm not able to be optimistic 😭 - Fertility Network UK
I'm not able to be optimistic 😭

At 33 time is still on your side, I’m 41 so time certainly isn’t on my side and we’ve had to use donor egg after our two rounds with my eggs failed.
I have also had polyps removed, unfortunately they are a bit of a nuisance and nothing you can do to stop them coming back
You mention you can’t do ERA or genetic testing on your remaining embryos?!
I learnt something new on here that apparently genetic testing can be done on frozen embryos they can thaw them and re freeze them so if you want to explore that you can, all I’d say is if you get a normal embryo it can still fail.
ERA can be done as that’s on your uterine lining so has nothing to do with your embryos
Pessimism- I’m pessimistic as well, this journey can make you like that - I’m currently 18 weeks with our donor egg, pessimism has effected me
Thank you for your response, actually genetic testing is not available in my country, and ERA normally is done if we will transfer a day 5 embryo, I have two day 3 embryo. My doctor approach is to continue doing transfer and hope that we end up with one who stick and a perfect timing. But it's hard for me to continue without knowing what is wrong.
Congratulations for your pregnancy, donor egg is not an option for me neither , being a Muslim complicate the process even more.
Ah right okay, I’m in the UK so it’s a bit more open to suggestion about routes, you can have an ERA done at anytime. Some clinics will do day 3 transfers as well as day 5, it’s just that mine does day 5 only.
Not really sure what you can do, seems pretty pointless just hoping one will stick.
What are your options once you’ve used all your embryos - obviously another round but what tests are they suggesting?!
I would say if your embryos aren’t making it past day 3 it’s potentially a sperm issue so has your partner had a dna fragmentation test done on his sample?! If he has high fragmentation it would possibly require treatment
He did and no issue, actually it's my first round , and my doctor was worried about hyperstimulation so we did a really low doses if gonal 100 unit a day for 9 days we had 8 folicules, 5 fertilized and 3 made it to day 3 as 8AA wich is good, the doctor refuses to wait for day 5 because for him we don't have a lot of embryos. So I don't know really if it's about my eggs quality or implementation
Unfortunately the grade of embryos is purely the embryologists opinion - all ours were top quality day 5 blasts and all failed, so I don’t tend to take any notice of that anymore
If the embryos viable it will implant if it’s not it won’t.
We worked out our issue by process of elimination over the three rounds and decided it was my eggs, hence why we went for donor
Hi, You are not running out of time and it will happen 🍀
It’s normal to feel pessimistic, I felt the same and I think it’s our way of protecting ourselves.
For the majority of people, it doesn’t work on the first attempt. I never had any frozen embryos from my cycles and I still got a BFP in the end. You will get there, stay strong and keep going x
Hey, I haven’t been through any rounds of IVF yet but will hopefully be starting our journey soon once we’ve been referred but I just wanted to say that at 33 you are still at a really good age and have plenty of time to keep trying! I know it’s so so hard to stay positive all the time but try and think of it as each time is another chance to bring home a baby. I wish you all the luck in the world! Don’t give up hope! Xx