So yesterday wasn't half as painful as I'd expected it to be. I had mild cramps after the retrieval but paracetamol and an heat pad worked perfectly fine. But I am definitely tender and can feel a pulling feeling if I move quick etc other than that business as usual.
I took another round of paracetamol in the afternoon and not needed anything since. I also had mild spotting wasn't really worth wearing a pad but I did.
Now it's onto vaginally pessarys twice a day and will admit was reluctant last night but it was fine no pain.
I got the call from clinic yesterday to say out of the 13 eggs collected 10 were mature and as we are doing icsi all 10 had been injected.
Received another call this morning to say all 10 have fertilised I'm totally over the moon I wasn't expecting all 10. The wait is now on till Sunday to find out how they are developing xx