Hello! I had in April my first ivf round but it failed, no eggs made it to day 5. Then my period came at 12 days after the egg retrieval. Now I'm on cycle day 32 and I have no symptoms that af will come any soon. I'm on metformin (I have PCOS) since december and my cycles were exactly 30 days. Has anybody been in my situation?
2nd period after ivf: Hello! I had in... - Fertility Network UK
2nd period after ivf
Hi there, this has happened to me twice before. I had back to back egg retrievals with a months break and I was always about 4 to 7 days late for the 2nd period which is after the withdrawal bleed.
Hang in there, it will come and if you are worried, speak to your clinic. Wishing you well on your journey 🙏🏾
My wife is the same at the moment. She had her period 5 days after her egg retrieval
Her flow app says she is currently 4 days late (this is her second period after egg retrieval)
Apparently it's normal. It's your body trying to get back to normal x
Thank you very much I was a bit nervous and confused and anxious because I'm waiting for it to come so I can start another round of ivf and it's driving me crazy....patience is not my best trait!

Aww my wife's the same and she's not having the transfer I am. She is worrying why her period is late
But you will be fine.. it will come. You could try doing a caster oil pack to increase your blood flow that may help bring your period on?
Hey, I’m the same. I’m 6 days late and I have no symptoms at all.. not a teeny tiny twinge! But I’ve had lots of cervical mucus (sorry too much info) which I can’t make sense of as surely hormones is making that happen but then where are the regular symptoms?!
Yes the lack of symptoms is driving me crazy! Will they come back or my period will just appear announced? I send a message to the clinic and asked them what to do. I'm taking also metformin 2 per day maybe I need to increase the dosage. Let's hope they answer tomorrow!!!