11DP5DT Got a BFP this morning but bl... - Fertility Network UK

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11DP5DT Got a BFP this morning but bleeding and cramps this afternoon 😢

Daisy-Delilah profile image
22 Replies

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This is my 7th transfer (two embryos) in our quest for a sibling. Four days ago I had a bit of brown discharge come out. Today was OTD and we were cautiously pleased to get a BFP this morning. However from lunchtime I’ve had a bit of blood when I wipe and a bit coming through to my pants and also some cramping. It’s hard to tell what colour the blood is as it’s quite watery. I think it’s pinky brownish.

I used early detection HPT and I’m wondering if I should have used normal ones as it’s my OTD. Although I think the lines look quite strong? But I don’t know if that just means it’s 10mlu and so therefore a low measure?

I know that there’s no point in worrying as I can’t change the outcome, and in my first successful pregnancy I spotted a lot (but no cramps), but I can’t help but feel worried as I can’t bear to have another loss 😢

My clinic have booked my bloods for tomorrow (results Monday) but any positive stories would be massively appreciated


Thank you xxx

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Daisy-Delilah profile image
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22 Replies
Glaedy profile image

Hi, congrats on your BFP! I had spotting of brown, pink, red blood with cramping before my BFP - contacted my clinic, they booked me for bloods and in the meantime they told me to increase my progesterone pessaries from 3 to 4. I also had spotting later and few weeks withing my pregnancy - I am currently 13 weeks pregnant :) cramping can be frightening but most of the time it's just your uterus expanding to make space for your baby :) wish you luck!

Daisy-Delilah profile image
Daisy-Delilah in reply to Glaedy

Congrats on your pregnancy! 💕

Thanks for taking the time to respond.

That’s really good to hear your story. After a few chemicals and losses it’s always super scary. But glad to hear yours was ok.

I’ve had my blood tests this morning and they’ve given me lubion injections to take as well now. Fingers crossed this works 🤞🏻 xxx

TTCBabyA profile image

Hey I know how you feel. Did the bleeding stop now? I had lots of cramping around OTD till about 6 weeks of pregnancy, also had mild bleeding(bright red) about 2 days after official test date. It was enough to stain my pantliner a bit but more when I wipe, lasted just few hours. Currently 15 weeks pregnant. Hopefully they can do serial hcg to monitor the progression and I also hope the bleeding doesn’t get heavier❤️ those line look very strong to me.

Daisy-Delilah profile image
Daisy-Delilah in reply to TTCBabyA

Congratulations to you 💕 and thank you for replying.

It’s good to know that it’s common and things can still be ok. I haven’t had the cramping before and that with the blood scared me!

It’s nice to get reassurance from someone else that the lines look strong ❤️

I had first hcg test today and then a repeat on Monday. Keeping everything crossed 🤞🏻 xxx

Twiglet2 profile image

hey lovely how are you today? your tests look very strong. You probs already know my story but had lots of bleeding with little boy and with current pregnancy so it absolutely can be okay but I get how terrified you will be as everything is just so fragile at this stage. Thinking of you and I hope Monday brings you good news xx

Daisy-Delilah profile image
Daisy-Delilah in reply to Twiglet2

Hi hun, thanks for taking the time to reply.

I must admit I’m anxious but feeling calmer than in the past as I know there’s nothing I can do and I’m trying to be strong in front of my Lb. Although annoyingly I’ve got a stinking cold so feeling pretty rubbish and hoping that doesn’t impact anything either 🙈

I know you must have done loads of tests over the years 😂 do you still think it’s a good line even though it’s an early detection one?

Yes thank you- I remember your story as it was the same time that I was pregnant 💕 I really appreciate the reminder that bleeding can be ok though.

I’m just keeping everything crossed 🤞🏻

How are things with you? I hope you’ve had good results and your pregnancy is progressing ok!? Xxx

Twiglet2 profile image
Twiglet2 in reply to Daisy-Delilah

Yeah I use those boots ones a lot and I defo think it’s a great line! Aww there’s so many colds going about just now that’s rubbish you feel rotten but from everything I’ve heard it shouldnt affect things but get plenty rest and fluids lovely 💜 so glad they are doing the repeat HCGs for you that’s exactly what you need right now and you are right nothing you can do to change things but right now you have some good strong lines xx

Daisy-Delilah profile image
Daisy-Delilah in reply to Twiglet2

Awww thanks hun. That’s really reassuring ❤️

Yeah I’m just chilling watching Netflix while my hubby takes my lb out this morning.

Thank you! Fingers crossed for good HCG results! Xxx

Hopewhite profile image

hi Daisy , just wanted to wish you all the best of luck ! Bleeding is not always bad so hopefully it’s just a matter of internal stretching etc , I hope you get further reassurance on Monday and everything continues to develop perfectly xx

Daisy-Delilah profile image
Daisy-Delilah in reply to Hopewhite

Hi hun, lovely to hear from you. And thank you for the reassuring words ❤️

I’ve just had good news that my hcg is at 735 which the nurse said is good for this stage. So hopefully I get a good result on Monday too 🤞🏻

I hope everything is ok with you xxx

Hopewhite profile image
Hopewhite in reply to Daisy-Delilah

Ah that’s so reassuring 🤞🏼🤞🏼, hopefully you’ll get more good news on Monday , this is your lucky time !! you so deserve it xx

Lelo3479 profile image

Congratulations ❤️💐🎊 hope it settles down and everything goes OK for you. Those lines are so lovely! The Monaco Lisa of urine pregnancy tests lol x oops meant Mona Lisa lol

Daisy-Delilah profile image
Daisy-Delilah in reply to Lelo3479

Thank you so much! Always good to get a second opinion on the lines ❤️

Lol! I’ll frame this picture if all goes well then 😂 xxx

Lelo3479 profile image
Lelo3479 in reply to Daisy-Delilah


Chel91 profile image

Congrats! 💗 I'm also on a sibling journey. I had a heavy bleed with mine, bright red, but all ok on ultrasound they saw heartbeat. I think it usually turns out ok xx

Daisy-Delilah profile image
Daisy-Delilah in reply to Chel91

Awwww many congratulations to you xxx

Kitkat10 profile image

I had spotting around this time too but all was fine 🙏🙏 good luck, I hope everything is a bit smoother going forward 🍀🍀

Daisy-Delilah profile image
Daisy-Delilah in reply to Kitkat10

Thank you so much xxx

Myshh profile image

Hi I was on the same boat 7 days after embryo transfer I started to spot and I had cramps. By that point I haven't tested myself so I was convinced my period has come. Next day I tested and I got BFP. I was bleeding and spotting up to 16 weeks cramps were present approx up to 9 weeks. Bleed varieted from pinkish trough red up to dark brown. I had two additional ultrasounds up to 12 week baby was always fine. Very early on it was probably implantation bleeding but later on the scan hasn't showed any hematoma or anything what could cause bleeding. It was most likely cyclogest witch made my cervix irritable. I stopped taking it after 16 weeks and all spotting cleared out. Right now 34 weeks pregnant and baby is doing great. Please don't lose your hope. Fingers crossed 🤞🤞🤞

Daisy-Delilah profile image
Daisy-Delilah in reply to Myshh

Thank you so much for the detailed reply. That must have been so scary! I’m so pleased all is ok for you. Not long to go now 👶🏼💕 x

Daisy-Delilah profile image

Thank you so much to everyone who has taken the time to reply. Apologies I haven’t managed to reply to everyone individually yet.

I just thought I’d update people.

My hcg on Saturday was 735 and 48 hours later is 1921. So moving in the right direction 🤞🏻

Also the nurse told me that 50% of women get bleeding/spotting in pregnancy and that 80% of those go on to have a healthy pregnancy.

Just trying to think positive thoughts now 🤞🏻💕🌈

Thanks everyone

Baby dust to you all 👶🏼✨ xxx

Hopewhite profile image
Hopewhite in reply to Daisy-Delilah

Excellent news Daisy ! I’m rooting for you and your strong embryo. I hope everything keeps developing perfectly, all the best of luck 🤞🏼🤞🏼

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