I had my eggs collected today. The wait was long especially on an empty stomach all morning but all went smoothly. I didn't feel anything during the procedure as I was sedated fully but as I woke up later, I did feel cramp-like pain in my lower abdomen. This was the first time I felt pain since I started treatment. The nurse told me it was normal and gave me some painkillers. I was also told to keep drinking fluids until I had to go to the toilet. This is because after being sedated, often there is a risk of the bladder not functioning normally after... All was good with me.
The good news is that they collected 25 eggs. ☺️ This is maybe why my tummy still feels soft and sensitive. I Was told to get plenty of rest and wait for them to call me tmrw with an update of how my eggs are developing and how many they choose to fertilise.
I feel so tired now. Early bedtime today.
Please note: Do get ur hubby or partner to get u some food for when u are back from egg collection! I was so low on blood sugar by then I was feeling dizzy. Even if I didn't feel hungry, the best thing was for me to eat something there and then before getting ready to head home.
Not sure if anyone else was like me?! Anyway... Now we wait 😊