Just wondering if anyone else has experienced a really heavy first period after a miscarriage. I'm feeling anxious as still getting some clots and heavy bleeding. My period is never this heavy and I never get clotting.
Just wondering if anyone else has experienced a really heavy first period after a miscarriage. I'm feeling anxious as still getting some clots and heavy bleeding. My period is never this heavy and I never get clotting.
So sorry to hear of your miscarriage. My first period after my miscarriage was also really heavy, it was a constant flow of heavy dark blood and it scared me a lot because it mirrored my miscarriage bleed so I called my doctor who calmed me down and told me it’s normal to experience heavy bleeding with your first period after a loss.
My second period arrived five days late and was heavy but lasted only a few days. Then by the third cycle, it started to settle back down again and return to a normal flow and regular cycle.
If you’re concerned, give your doctor a ring for some reassurance xx
Thanks for your reply.Sorry for your loss. Its an awful thing to go through.
I called the doctor. They have just told me it's normal but to go to A and E If I feel faint or dizzy. This bleed is heavier than my miscarriage bleed that's why I got so worried. Hopefully it subsides.
I'm sorry for your loss. Mine was really heavy too with clots and I had bad cramps in the run up too... And I've been extra grumpy!! So I think it's normal. Xxx
Just to say that’s completely normal but eurgh it’s horrible. So sorry for your loss x
Thanks for replying. It's horrific. I didn't even have clots after my daughter was born. I just assumed my period was going to be normal after miscarriage. Silly me. I've bled more now than at the time of miscarriage. That's why I got so worried. Thank you to all of you for putting my mind at ease. X
So sorry for your loss! I had an ectopic pregnancy in march and had to have a managed miscarriage by injection. I spotted for about a week then had a very heavy 2 day period. I usually have a light 5 day period. I've then been spotting ever since and just had another heavy 2 day period but not as bad as the last one. I'm looking forward to a time when I stop bleeding!