How long have you tried to get pregna... - Fertility Network UK

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How long have you tried to get pregnant naturally before IVF decission?

vicky7752 profile image
12 Replies

I am trying to have a baby naturally from my 17, I am 44 now... I know its a long long time and I should react sooner for IVF but I always had a hope.. how is your story?

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vicky7752 profile image
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12 Replies
RubyVet profile image

We tried for roughly 12 months before turning to IVF. I have endometriosis which I had surgery for around 6 months before the IVF so I knew it was a possibility for us to need it. It’s been around 18 months now in total of properly trying. I think everyone is different though, we always had IVF in the back of our mind due to my endo so it wasn’t a difficult choice for us to make. For me it’s something I wish I did sooner, however it’s not something you should jump into as it’s draining on all areas of your life xx

vicky7752 profile image
vicky7752 in reply to RubyVet

Hi Ruby, thats great you did the decision and the doctors can help you!

Zebedee1971 profile image

We tried for 12 months before doing ivf. I was 36 so I was aware (after two early miscarriages, then nothing at all for months) that time was precious. We had three cycles - none worked- but we learnt through those failures that I had high nk cell count, which was causing the miscarriages. I think I was naive going into ivf, thinking ivf was a quick fix solution: ie they take the egg and sperm, put them together, pop them back in and hey presto, you're pregnant. It actually is not like that at all. It can take 3 or 4 cycles (or more) to work, and in our case, it did not work. But, like I said, it helped us find a cause for our infertility. There are so many tests that can get done as a result of ivf investigations. If I were you, I wouldn't delay it any longer, if you're desperate to have children. Ivf takes over your life for longer than most of us anticipate. X

Weareback2 profile image
Weareback2 in reply to Zebedee1971

Hi i agree with zebedee, i didn't relaise how low the success rate of ivf is. I kind of assumed it would work as the medical team have all ready created the embroy from ypur egg/partners sperm.Also IVF may not be needed. Once tests start they may see that there is sonething else. I would encoyrage you to start the ball rolling as there is alot of waiting for appoibtments! Best of luck x

Marisa32 profile image

I went for IVF after 6 months of trying naturally. Only because I watched a TV show where they said fertility declines rapidly after 35. I was 38 at the time and I freaked out. The IVF doctor immediately diagnosed my Hashimoto's and I fell pregnant naturally as soon as I fixed my thyroid issue - before starting stims for my 1st round. Looking back I realize that without getting my thyroid in order, I would have been trying in vain, so I'm glad I went. For baby number two it was a different story. I tried naturally at first but got 2 chemicals. Ran back to IVF doctor after 6 months and got diagnosed with nonexistent AMH. Stims didn't work at all. As a poor responder, I never made more than 1 egg and it was crushing to find out IVF couldn't help me. I always thought IVF would save me in the end. I was 41 at this point and tried IUI as a last ditch effort but got blighted ovum out of it. I figured my eggs were all bad and booked an egg donor treatment overseas. While waiting to travel due to covid for the donor egg embryo transfer, I found out I was pregnant naturally. I'm 13 weeks now and still in disbelief. Everyone has their own timeline in life. I'm not a very patient person, so I always look for solutions rather than being at a standstill. That's why I considered DE so quickly. Good luck to you!

Vegemite profile image

We tried for five years believe it or not. Got stuck in the NHS roundabout...

I would recommend going straight to private to avoid heartache and lost time

Hannakallas profile image

We tried naturally for 4,5 years and as my partner had 2 kids from his previous relationship I always thought it’s my fault.. we went private in September to start testing and found out my partners sperm quality, mobility etc were critically low... went with ICSI in November and was a first round success.

Suzyanne-Faye profile image

We tried naturally for 5.5 years! I also wish I had started earlier as it’s been 2 years (NHS tests took a year before referral for treatment; unexplained infertility). We’ve since done IUI and IVF with the NHS and neither worked. We were told that our case was textbook, everything went the right way and our embryos were good quality it’s just the way it goes sometimes 😞 IVF is only a treatment and not a cure. We’re currently waiting Aunt Flo to get new tests at a private clinic now, as all our original ones are now out of date.

I still believe that we will have a baby conceived this year. If you are going to do IVF I suggest going straight for private as my friend has done and she took 2 months to get to treatment!

Good luck xx

Aquarius_hope profile image

Hello ladies xx

Thank you so much for sharing all your personal stories XX

I waited a year.. but it took about 2 years to get started (referrals, tests, investigations, etc). Then when we were ready to go, something else always came up (eg partner made redundant, dad in hospital severely unwell, etc etc)... so there were further delays to starting each cycle!!

My advice to you would be start the process as soon as possible and don’t wait for the perfect time to do anything.. because there is never a right time to go through this emotional rollercoaster! Also look for a Consultant that specialises in ladies over 40 for your best chance xx

Really wish I started earlier and didn’t delay so many times ... but I can’t go back now! Only forward.

Lots and lots of luck to you with whatever you decide to do next 🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼

Big hugs 🤗 xxx

Isla2019 profile image

Hi Vicky,

We tried naturally for 4 years! From age 35-39. I was also stuck in weird NHS loop with referrals etc and we just got NHS funded round 6 months before my 40th birthday after waiting for around a year for approval and waiting list etc i think. I'm now 41 and approaching 3rd transfer (2nd frozen) after finding a great consultant. Also wish we had either pushed and got our NHS treatment sooner or just gone private, as the other ladies here mentioned. Also yeah I forgot to factor in that it might take more testing/diagnostics in IVF process as well before getting close to success 🙈

Good luck! xx

Strawberry17 profile image

5 months for us. I got paranoid and we went for tests and found my husband had very low sperm count with not great quality sperm. It’s taken a few years and three rounds of IVF (plus a sperm donor) but we now have a beautiful 5 month old x

Belangalo profile image

I was casually trying with my husband for about 6 months ( a few months before we got married and after) and then when it hadn't worked I was seriously trying with my husband for 18 months (ovulation strips to time sex etc) before we just threw up our hands and said 'It's not working, something is wrong.' We got some tests done and mine came back fine but hubby had 0 sperm. We were trying to get pregnant with no sperm so nothing was EVER going to happen. Then we spent a year getting him to start producing sperm. It went from nothing to something so we were very pleased but we were then told it wasn't likely to be enough for natural conception so straight to IVF at the one year point - again something we didn't expect. We went private and I was in the hot seat within 6 weeks of getting the referral from the GP. Our first cycle and two frozen transfers took place over the next 6 months. Nothing successful. Last month I had a huge barrage of tests and this month I am healing up and doing a daily blood test to track my hormone levels through this cycle and waiting on results of DNA sequencing which takes 10 weeks. I am trying to naturally conceive this month and next month (fingers crossed) since hubby's sperm count has risen again over the course of the last 6 months of IVF. Then our second cycle starts once the DNA results get back.

I would say my biggest regret is trying to conceive naturally for as long as we did. We just thought it would happen and that we had time. We got a massive shock with the 0 sperm and then the one year struggle to get some sperm! Then of course... IVF cycle one failed us so there was more testing and then more waiting until we're able to start the next cycle. I would suggest that you move fast, and start booking those appointments! More wait times in between appointments and tests means that everything takes SO MUCH LONGER than you expect! I deeply wish that after the 6 months of casually trying that I had pushed my husband to get tested as well as myself! We potentially could have saved ourselves 2 years of confusion, frustration and disappointment. We also could have started the IVF journey so much earlier and potentially already had a beautiful baby rather than being 38 and watching everyone around us already be on their second or third while we are desperately praying to have just one!

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