Hi everyone looking for inspiration. We got 18 eggs and only day two we have 6... what were your numbers xx
So we are very fortunate all 6 made it too top quality blasts x
Hi everyone looking for inspiration. We got 18 eggs and only day two we have 6... what were your numbers xx
So we are very fortunate all 6 made it too top quality blasts x
For our first cycle we also got 18 eggs and ended up with 4 blasts. Pretty average number I think xx
That sounds good. I’m hoping we get something x
We got 12 eggs, only 3 fertilised and only 1 made it to blast. I’m currently 17 weeks pregnant with that one little embryo ☺️ I remember being absolutely devastated with our numbers but it’s true what they say it only takes 1 🤞🏻 Good luck xx
I had 8 eggs collected, only two fertilised and none made it to blast. I had a three day transfer with both put back in as they weren’t dividing ideally. But I am now 28 weeks pregnant x
I got 18 eggs my second cycle, 15 fertilised and we had loads on day 3 but by day 5 we only had 2. Our third, I got 15 eggs, same thing, ended up with 2-both tested pgs abnormal. I got pregnant naturally 2 months after that cycle and am now heading into third trimester. Try not to worry too much about numbers. I went in thinking I'd get 4 or 5, maybe a couple to freeze... We've never had leftovers for freezing, only ever had fresh double transfers. It really is just a matter of getting the right combination of sperm and egg. If you get lots of eggs, you have a good chance. Good luck xx
Yeah, agree. I have obsessed with numbers and it’s just a recipe for stress and anxiety. Second cycle I was desperate to get some Frosties to bank and despite 19 big follicles and 14 mature eggs by day 5 I had one great blasto and one okish one which I was told might not survive thawing 😔 Again I was gutted I had nothing to freeze but am now over 8wks pregnant 😊
I’ve now learned not to compare myself with others as we’re all different.
I hope that as many as possible of your remaining fertilised eggs progress - but as others have already said it only takes one!x
I had 3 eggs all fertilised, 2 made it to blasto and I am now 16 weeks x
Thank you everyone x
Hi I had 6 eggs retrieved on day two I had 3 left then by transfer day I had 1
See the number on those links. But 18 eggs is good!
I got 38 eggs, 16 mature, 13 fertilized and ended up with 6 embryos. I read that from the number of fertilized eggs you are expected to end up with 40-50% of them which was true in my case. Good luck! ❤️