Unmedicated FET this Sunday, any advice for what to do leading up to the transfer, right after and during the 2ww?? 🙏
Advice please, FET this a Sunday! - Fertility Network UK
Advice please, FET this a Sunday!
I had an unmedicated fet last January. I found it a lot less stressful than my ivf cycle. Not sure if it made any difference but I drank pure beetroot juice and pure pomegranate juice and had a couple Brazil nuts a day.
Wishing you a massive good luck and baby dust x
Hi I had the same 3 weeks ago,
I drank lots of boiled water with 🍋s in, ate chia seeds on toast, and lots walnuts and Brazil nuts, Now I'm 5 weeks, dont know if it will help you but boiled water felt very calming for me. Even had a flask on my way to clinic, Good luck 👍
Thank you so much, I will definitely try these! Congrats on being 5 weeks pregnant, that is so exciting!! 😊❤️
Hi, please can you advise me what should I eat for preparing for FET. It's probably expected in the next middle of the month. brazil nuts are very hard to eat?
Hey, I had done Brazil nuts and pomegranate juice but not every single day and my transfer didn’t take. I’m doing another transfer at the beginning of April and I’ve started on really clean eating and I’m doing something called seed cycling. I’ve also heard you should only eat warm food, I mostly ate warm food but not every meal so this time I will make sure to only eat warm food. Good luck!! ❤️🤞
How exciting, best of luck.
I did everything from French fries after the transfer to keep the feet warm and all the suggested food and drink🙂 take all your medication on time and drink plenty of water. I’m not going to tell you don’t stress because it’s impossible..
I do hope you share your good news with us in 2 weeks time. Xx
Thank you so much for the tips! I’ll be sure to update in a couple of weeks! 😊
I realized I didn’t update, unfortunately BFN...Going in for my second transfer early April.
I’m so sorry dear, don’t be disappointed, April is just around the corner and spring is the best time for transfer. Xx
So sorry to hear this, my 1st transfer didn't work, couple months time I went again and it worked
Hope its the same for you xx
Is there anything you did the second round that you didn’t do the first? I’m trying acupuncture this time.
I haven't had an unmedicated FET, but here's what I did for my successful second medicated FET that was helpful. You can never know what, if any of it, actually made a difference, but oh well!
1) Pomegranates. I had been eating a full pomegranate every morning for a few months at that point, with the hope that it would help to reduce inflammation and increase blood flow to the uterus. It was also a lot of fiber, and I think also just helped to make me feel good.
2) Steroids. Regarding inflammation, the big difference between my first unsuccessful and second successful FET was that I had my doctor put me on a very low dose of prednisone, at a friend's recommendation. Even though doctors won't diagnose me with an autoimmune disease or say that I have inflammation, I KNEW I was experiencing inflammation. I had eczema, and just "felt" like I had inflammation, and also have hypothyroid so I just thought it could help. I can never know of course if the steroid keeping inflammation down helped, but it could have.
3) Post transfer "princess" days. The other big thing that I did was I splurged and went to stay in a hotel for three nights right after the transfer. That was so I could just totally relax, watch Netflix, take foot baths, and get away from all stress of life.
4) Distraction. Then after those three hotel days, I accepted that it is IMPOSSIBLE to not stress. I just threw myself into work and tried as hard as I could to forget what was happening. I didn't sleep especially well. I tried to eat well and drink enough water, but didn't worry too much about it.
5)Don't test early! People drive themselves mad with this. Wait 14 days after your transfer. Even for a 5 day. You don't want any doubt. Whether you get an early positive or an early negative, it will stress you out and drive you crazy, so if you can manage it, just wait until OTD.
best of luck!!
This is great advice! I told my husband not to let me take a test and I don’t think we have any left in the house so I’ll try my best! Thanks so much! 🙏😊
Thanks! Another thing to maybe ask is, does your doctor plan to have you on progesterone during your TWW? I was put on it even after just IUIs, to try to help. If he or she does put you on it, then remember that it will stop you from bleeding and also from getting your period. If you get a negative, you still won't start to bleed until you go off the progesterone. I wish my doctor had told me that. In a way it is kind of a relief not to be monitoring for blood.