PCOS correct diagnosis and next steps? - Fertility Network UK

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PCOS correct diagnosis and next steps?

CoralCats profile image
18 Replies

Hi everyone,

I'm new here and was recently told I have PCOS by a gynecologist.

I have irregular cycles (varies from 26 to 38 days) and I rarely ovulate (confirmed by Clearblue ovulation tests and progesterone blood test). I had an ultrasound and was told my ovaries are polycystic, although all my other blood test results were normal pointing away from PCOS. I do have oily skin but no other symptoms of PCOS. My GP said she would normally tell PCOS patients to lose weight and stop drinking but as I am not overweight, eat healthily and don't drink, smoke etc. she didn't know what to advise. I'm waiting for a HSG referral to check that my fallopian tubes aren't blocked and then the gynecologist will refer ovulation medication (Clomid I assume).

My questions are - does this sound like PCOS or could I have an incorrect diagnosis? Could it be unexplained anovulation? Is there anyone else who has "lean PCOS", irregular and anovulatory cycles, but normal blood test results?

Also, I'm unsure what the next steps will be if Clomid doesn't work. Is it usually to try another ovulation inducting mechanism, IUI (although I'm unsure if this will help PCOS / unexplained infertility) or straight to IVF?

Thanks for your help!

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18 Replies
JustAGirl21 profile image

Hi, they suspect I have PCOS, told me I have 2 of the 3 characteristics. Not the weight gain but I do have irregular cycles and probably don’t ovulate regularly every month. I tried chlomid for 3 months and it didn’t work for me. So we went down the ivf route. Good luck whatever route you take x

CoralCats profile image
CoralCats in reply to JustAGirl21

Thank you! Finger's crossed Clomid works otherwise looks like the next step will be IVF x

ZessB profile image

Hi, I am also ‘lean’ PCOS and my understanding was that Clomid is not the best course of action but you would need to check that. In the first instance, I tried to regulate my cycles naturally with Angus castus and a PCOS friendly diet. This helped a little but my cycles were still very irregular so I was referred to a fertility clinic where they messed up both of my IVF cycles and I developed bad OHSS on both occasions and harvested poor quality eggs - huge quantities (62 eggs for my first cycle!) were collected but I was left with one that made it to day 5 and got transferred back in but produced nothing. I was starting to believe I would never be able to conceive until I came across a research article by Geoffrey Sher and I changed clinics. The professor there agreed to follow the same protocol as the one Dr Sher advocates and I now have a beautiful 2 year old sitting next to me and a frozen embaby on board. This time, 21 eggs were collected and 7 reached day 5 (6 frozen and one is my son). So just to reassure you that there are ways to get there, but it may be long and painful but I think the key is to find a clinic that is ready to adjust their protocol to women’s individual needs. Good luck with everything.

CoralCats profile image
CoralCats in reply to ZessB

Thanks for your help!

I tried pregnancy supplements to regulate my cycles but had no luck. The issue is when I do ovulate it's so late in the month and I come on my period a couple of days later, not allowing sufficient time for implantation.

I hope Clomid helps me ovulate regularly and earlier in the month, but I've read mixed messages about its success. I think it's a cheap and non-invasive option that's tried initially but doesn't seem to work for the majority of people. I read the success rates overall are 30-40%.

I've looked into PCOS diets - I'm vegan and cook mainly from scratch so I don't eat processed foods. I've also switched white bread and pasta to brown. I'll take a look at Angus Castus too.

That's great news! I've had a look into Geoffrey Sher's articles. Which clinic did you use in the end?

LSandJ profile image

PCO, and PCOS are slightly different things. It sounds like you have PCO, but not the syndrome, and therefore not those other characteristics that go along with it. That's the same for me. It just means my ovaries have extra follicles which can interfere with normal ovulation. My understanding is that chlomid (or another similar newer medication that I've forgotten thr name of), can get you ovulating normally. My mum did this too, it was an injection then, a couple of months of chlomid and she was pregnant. I saw an gynae, had all the usual tests and they too recommended it. In the end we didn't go for it because we are a same sex couple and needed to use donor sperm as well, and with Chlomid they recommend just giving it and then trying to conceive! It could be used for IUI as well, although there is some possibility of over stimulating (if you have lots of follicles then it might stimulate lots of them to produce an egg and you have a bigger risk of multiple pregnancy).

Some people with PCO struggle to get pregnant, but it is usually easily sorted with medication!! Should be fine! Good luck xx

CoralCats profile image
CoralCats in reply to LSandJ

Thank you! I thought it may be PCO too. They seem to apply a criteria if you have 2 out of 3 of the symptoms they diagnose PCOS. As I have polycystic ovaries as well as irregular and anovulatory cycles and struggling to conceive they're saying PCOS. Finger's crossed Clomid works for us anyway!

Lr91 profile image

Hello there - I have PCOS and it sounds like you do too - if you have had a scan and have the cysts plus irregular periods and not ovulating regularly that is enough to diagnose the syndrome. I am also super slim, no facial hair etc and still have PCOS (you have to have 2 out of 3 things and in my case is pco aspect and no periods whatsover) - in yours is PCO aspect and irregular periods. Blood tests with PCOS are misleading and cannot diagnose PCOS - this is because your hormones balance change throughout your cycle (testosterone, LH etc) - because your cycle is not normal 28 days when they do your blood tests they don’t know which phase of your cycle you are at - so although the values may seem normal (mine did too!) they most likely are not depending on your phase which is nearly impossible to estimate for PCOS patients. The easiest way to diagnose PCOS is LH to FSH raport which shall always be close to 1:1 (with PCOS patients is more likely 2:1 or 3:1) - maybe check your bloods again and do this raport.

Now some positivity :) I have severe PCOS since 17 (30 now) but I am now 16 weeks pregnant after 1 round of Clomid - for me this ovulation pill was like a magic pill! Totally worked 1st time. You need to have regular internal scans once you start to make sure you don’t overstimulate your ovaries and have a high risk of producing multiples. There is also Letrozole to try for this so maybe look into that too. I had no side effect whatsoever from Clomid either and I was on the 50mg dose for 5 days.

Good luck and feel free to message me if you need any more advice or info at all :) xx

CoralCats profile image
CoralCats in reply to Lr91

Thanks for your help!

I also had trouble as a teenager, when I first started my period it was irregular (I was always on my period and rarely had breaks) and very heavy making me miss a lot of school. After about 2 years of hell my GP put me on the contraceptive pill but didn't carry out any tests to diagnose what was wrong. It does make me wonder whether this was the early signs of something wrong and the pill just masked the symptoms.

When I had the blood tests done my GP wanted to know what day of the cycle I was on at the time to try to see a full picture. My FSH was 5.5 and LH 4 and this was done at day 2 or 3 of my cycle. Perhaps this was done too early in the cycle before they go out of wack?

That's great that Clomid worked for you! Finger's crossed it works for us too!

Lr91 profile image
Lr91 in reply to CoralCats

Same here re heavy periods when younger! I was on the pill for 10 years and when I stopped my period never returned (for 9 months until I started clomid and then I didn’t have one anyway as I fell pregnant). Clomid has a good success rate for PCOS - i believe it is30%- 40% but I may be wrong! Yes I think the bloods have to be taken several times in the same cycle for it to work but they can never diagnose PCOS on bloods alone - most women with PCOS have good blood results. It is a weird condition and unfortunately life long but it can be managed and we are lucky not to have the worst symptoms which are the putting on weight and facial hair 🤗🤗🤗 good luck!! I also took some vitamins like folic acid, vitamin D and that CQ10 (if I remember right)

CoralCats profile image
CoralCats in reply to Lr91

Thank you! It seems so strange, as though there are lots of different varieties of PCOS and they've all been lumped into 1 condition. I'm really paranoid about facial hair and hair loss - I check in the mirror daily thinking it might flair up being off the pill and TTC lol. Finger's crossed clomid works!

Lr91 profile image
Lr91 in reply to CoralCats

Honestly it wont! I have had this for 14 years and I have 0 facial hair and lots of hair haha. I stopped the pill about 1 year ago and if you’ve never had this I doubt you will get it at all. No acne either! I think you have 0 to worry about with this :) definitely stay positive and focus on conceiving - it will happen for you indeed 🤗🤗

CoralCats profile image
CoralCats in reply to Lr91

Aww that's reassuring! Thank you :)

RecipIVF profile image

Have you looked into myo inositol supplements for ovulation?

CoralCats profile image
CoralCats in reply to RecipIVF

Yes, I've tried these supplements. I initially just took Vitamin D and Folic Acid and after struggling to conceive I tried pregnancy supplements which have Inositol for about 6 months but they didn't help. I'm now back on Vitamin D and Folic Acid only.

The issue is when I do ovulate it's so late in the month and I come on my period a couple of days later meaning there's not enough time for implantation. It feels hopeless either way! :(

RecipIVF profile image
RecipIVF in reply to CoralCats

Good luck 💕

Esme78 profile image

I strongly recommend Dr Marilyn Glenville's book on PCOS: Natural Solutions to PCOS - it's been a lifesaver. It was incredibly helpful to me when I was diagnosed. I managed to get on top of symptoms and I am now a mum to almost a 20-month-old beautiful girl - conceived via ICSI. Good luck and keep positive.

CoralCats profile image
CoralCats in reply to Esme78

That's such good news :)

I will check out the book, thank you!

ZessB profile image
ZessB in reply to Esme78

I can confirm this book is amazing and some of the info in there, eye-opening and very useful!

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