3 mc : So rang fertility clinic 2weeks... - Fertility Network UK

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3 mc

18 Replies

So rang fertility clinic 2weeks ago when we were told we would mc (before the 2nd scan to say maybe not) to tell them our situation spoke to one of the nurses and she told me they don’t really tests much only for clotting and blood type issues they don’t test for genetics issues as it’s rarely a prob and more likely my aged eggs I also asked about sperm test just to check. They said wouldn’t check him as we do conceive. So question for anyone who’s had multiple mc or Diane if you have any input does this sound correct? Is there questions I need to ask? Or tests to ask for?

I haven’t had a child with my partner my 2 children were with my previous marriage. My appointment is next week i feel abit rushed I have a lot going on ending this pregnancy on sat with mva, 3 birthdays other apps throughout this mth I could do without.

18 Replies
Hollibob profile image

Sorry to read this...

I’m sure DianeArnold will provide you with more information, but after we’d had our MC’s, we went to the GP to ask for a referral to a recurrent miscarriage unit. The specialist actually sits under the EPU, so they should want to help run additional testing for you especially with how many you have had. I had a load of blood tests and also as a couple, we pushed for karyotype blood tests and this was because we didn’t have any of the MC tissue for them to test.

The miscarriage association has a load of information on possible testing, but also I know some of the ladies on here have contacted Tommy’s and they have been very good..they don’t believe it’s right that we should have to go through 3 losses, before any testing is done!

I had to find my inner strength to go and get emotional to tell my GP I wanted a referral, there was no asking!!

Take care of you x

Thank you for your reply I asked at the EPU if we had been referred to the right place or was there a reoccurring miscarriage clinic she wasn’t really sure. I’ll go to my appointment and book another with the dr. I also asked about genetics testing on the pregnancy tissue nurse said because it was blighted there’s nothing to test just the sac with will prob be destroyed when removing from the procedure. They say after 3 mc you’ll get testing etc but nobody points u in the right direction u feel like you have to research and push for it still.

Cinderella5 profile image
Cinderella5 in reply to

Even for a blighted ivum you can still have the placenta tested in pathology but this is usually required to be done quite soon as it degenerates. It can be preserved for cytogenetic testing. However some hospitals don't always send material away for any of these tests and may be too late to request this from what the nurse has said but defo ask.xx

in reply to Cinderella5

I asked at the EPU nurse said with a blighted ovum there’s no tissue to test and more likely to be damaged in the mva process. I asked after my 2mc when it was the size of 9w they said they wouldn’t do genetics just sent to pathology. I really think they want to test as little as possible.

in reply to

My epu offered to send the material away for testing in April last year if I had the operation rather than the pills. It was my first miscarriage, double blighted ovum but my 5th round of ivf and I was 41. Maybe again it's the postcode lottery.

In the end I opted for the pills rather than the d&c so didn't have the analysis done. I had convinced myself that everyone has a trial run, just most of us don't realise. And I was certain that the next time I would get my bfp and have a healthy pregnancy.

I did do the thrombophilia panel of tests before starting again and started taking baby aspirin before transfer.

This time it did work and I am currently almost 15 weeks.

I hope you get some answers and really hope your next shot gives you your wee baby xx

in reply to

Maybe because you had been having ivf they monitor you more closely? I don’t know but I did asked beforehand because I wanted as much tested as I could. I’ve done the aspirin aswel that didn’t help either ☹️

in reply to

It's awful that they make you go through all this again and again. Xx

Cinderella5 profile image
Cinderella5 in reply to

Uurgghh so frustrating! I think hospitals in different areas (scotland seems a little better) offer different things unfortunately as Hidden has said. I'm really sorry that nobody seems to be helping. I do think checking for thrombophilia might be something to consider.xx

in reply to Cinderella5

They are checking for clotting we’ll just have to wait and see.

Trying1234 profile image

Firstly I am so sorry to hear your news and hope that 2019 brings you better news. You should get referred to a recurrent miscarriage appointment since this is your third time. My experience is that it takes a while to get the appointment (3.5 months) in my case and you are told not to try to get pregnant until after the appointment and tests. Take a look at the miscarriage associations leaflet on recurrent miscarriage which you can find on this page: miscarriageassociation.org....

I was given this leaflet at the time of referal. In my case i was being seen by fertility too which meant i had most tests done by the time I had my appointment. They also look at putting in place a pregnancy plan. Let me know if it would be helpful to share more with regards to my experience.

in reply to Trying1234

Thank you I’ll have a look x

Trying1234 profile image
Trying1234 in reply to

EPU referred me and not my GP so do ask them again.

in reply to Trying1234

Ok I will I’ve just been looking and we have an appointment with gynaecology at centre of life Newcastle but when I put reoccurring it brought up genetics dept at the same place. I will ask at that app she did seem helpful but maybe I have to push abit.

baby2016 profile image

Your clinic don't sound very supportive!

I've suffered from recurrent miscsrriages including chemicals, ecotopics and MMC's, tests to ask for, sticky blood (antiphospholipid syndrome) Karaotyping of you both, NK cell test and for hubby sperm comet test ( much motr in depth than standard sperm tests) i have been treated for all these and still moscarried, there was a sperm issue picked up on the comet test, of which hubby had to take male vitmains based on improving sperm, which did improve results. I then through my own research did the hidden c test and came back positive, and both hubby and i had to take a course of antibiotics, i decided to follow this up with a hysteroscopy and deep implantation cuts at the clinic that do the hidden c, which showed lots of scar tissue and infection damage!! Currently pregnant awaiting first scan, if i get past the 7wk mark and all is still ok then I know this will be down to the treatment i had in athens. Please read my previous posts for more details. Personally athens have provided more answers in 3 months than anyone i've dealt with in this horrendous 5yr journey, wish i had known about them years ago xx

I haven’t been yet only spoke once on the phone. Hopefully can tell me more next Thursday.

Baby2016 I wrote your tests down on the forms I had to fill in firstly this was a fertility appointment so not sure dr was fully aware of our situation even tho I had rang up. So we’re getting the antiphospholipid test a sperm analysis and a 3 or 4d can’t remember ultrasound for structural.

We have no pregnancy tissue to test for the karaotyping but can test if we had some. Said nk cell not proven or enough evidence so don’t test, stopped genetics testing as they weren’t finding anything related to miscarriages and comet test had not heard of so I said it’s to test for damaged dna in sperm again couldn’t do anything if they found damaged dna can’t fix it and might only be that sample etc so wouldn’t test.

She doesn’t really think we have a problem they can fix and it’s more to do with my age but still have a good chance of a healthy pregnancy. I do feel it’s right but having multiple mc it’s hard!

in reply to

You appointment sounds quite frustrating with the push back about those tests you enquired about, but positive they will send you for those tests next. If you feel at peace with their opinions then that's good, trust them of course. I'm sorry you've been through so much. But if you instinct is to find other opinions, trust yourself. But I appreciate it comes down to budget, a lot of the time.

You can send off for Comet testing yourself online, but I do see what they are getting at regarding not being able to do much with that info, but at least you are informed. My husband has a private andrology consultation this week, and they offer a range of further tests beyond their comprehensive semen anylsis. We want to look into DNA damage as my husband has quite a few health issues/medication and are fed up of consultants ignoring him in this. I can drop you a message later in the week with our experience if you like.

Good luck and sorry for everything X

Yes if you don’t mind I’ll take any information on board. With our appointment I feel we’re right at the start and can’t really compare anything until we have results it maybe just because I’m older my friend had the same but luckily for her her third is successful people do have mc and go on to have a successful pregnancy it’s just so traumatic every time had a cry in frankie and bennys yesterday for nothing then a meltdown when I got home but I’m ok today.

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