The heading says it all! I am 6 days post frozen transfer. I don't know the quality of the embie, they didn't tell me. All I know is that it was frozen at 6 days and defrosted successfully. It was "expanded" which the embryologist said was "good" with a smile. So I am keeping everything crossed! 😊😊😊
I suffer a lot from lack of communication with my clinic. Maybe one out of my three calls will be returned. Information is scarce and I wonder if anyone else has this experience? I think it just makes me more unsettled during this whole process. 🤣😅
It has been a fully natural FET. I took no trigger shot as I ovulated naturally and they stepped up my transfer to match. I am taking one progesterone pessary at night before bed. My breasts hurt, I'm bloated like a boss and I have gotten terribly dry and flakey skin, blocked nose, watery discharge, hormonal, teary and heartburn. These are the new and interesting symptoms of the progesterone that I'm suffering through. *sigh* 🙄
I am trying to stay hopeful but after a chemical resulting from my first fresh transfer I am feeling nervous. I asked for tests as the stand-in doc was pushing a catheter where it needed to go (this was the only time in two months I've been able to talk to a doctor)...and I was told the clinic had no plans to do any tests on me or my husband and that it was a numbers game and we just had to keep going.
This feels unsatisfactory to me today...🤔 I keep wondering if they want me to succeed with IVF or just want me to keep paying lots of money for cycle after cycle before they do any testing? 😒 Or is that too cynical of me?
Ugh...I just need to relax and stay positive! Does anyone have a similar issue with their clinic or am I being overly hormonal right now due to the progesterone? 🤣
Love and baby dust to us all!!! Xxxxx