I’m due to have FET after Xmas at some point but feeling worried because of lock down, dose anyone know if they would still transfer?
Worried : I’m due to have FET after... - Fertility Network UK
I had my FET in the November lockdown. The HFEA released a statement saying that there are no plans to cancel fertility treatments again as measures are now in place. I haven’t heard of anyone’s treatment being cancelled due to covid since treatments were restarted in May following the original lockdown where my first go was cancelled. X
I had my transfer on Wednesday, and my clinic was in a tier 3 area. You should be fine. Good luck xx
I plan to do my FET in February, and I have to travel halfway around the world. We've already had COVID so I'm not super worried, but hoping I don't get it again, if that's possible. I doubt the clinics will cancel on anyone. I think most of us on here are still doing transfers. I know I can't afford to wait any longer.
Glad you asked... I’m worried about it too following today’s announcement. I’ve started my FET meds with lining scan on Wednesday and possible transfer just before the end of the year. 🤞🤞
They doesn't seem to be any talk about these sorts of appointments being cancelled again, I think they have got themselves into a good routine if testing patients beforehand, I know it's hard but try and enjoy Christmas and look forward to the New Year X