3 day transfer with 1 or 2 Embryos? I... - Fertility Network UK

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3 day transfer with 1 or 2 Embryos? I only have 2 :(

ninieburelli profile image
21 Replies

Hey ladies just wondering if anyone had some advice. I had 8 eggs retrieved which I was told was ok/average but only 2 of those fertilised so having a 3 day transfer on Thursday. Feeling pretty deflated but i realise it's not over yet. Just wondered if anyone has any advice on what to do with the only 2 i have? Do i put both back in? I am almost 40 and have read it can be better for older women to transfer 2. I don't even know what grade/quality they are. I guess the clinic will advise the best course of action. Guess i just felt like i needed to talk to others who've been in the same situation.

Thanks in advance xxx

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ninieburelli profile image
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21 Replies
Bernie150781 profile image

Hi I'm 39 I had 3 eggs from 6 follicles, all 3 fertilised but 1 stopped growing after a couple of days, the other two made it to day 5 blastocyst and 1 was slightly better than the other, they said they would transfer the best one but could not freeze the other one and it was my choice to have both transferred so I've had both, they do advise you of the risks of multiple births but leave the choice with you, fingers crossed it has worked, I test in Monday.Good luck with your choice :-) X

ninieburelli profile image
ninieburelli in reply to Bernie150781

Thanks for your reply Bernie150781 Best of luck for your OTD! xx

PollyWolly81 profile image
PollyWolly81 in reply to Bernie150781

This was exactly the same as what happened to me. One was better than the other so recommended to put both in. I’m now 10+3 with just the one, will never know which one survived but was worth the risk of potentially having twins!

Bernie150781 profile image
Bernie150781 in reply to PollyWolly81

That's great news, can I just ask what your numbers mean 10+3? I must admit, I quite like the idea of having twins and doing it all in one pregnancy X

PollyWolly81 profile image
PollyWolly81 in reply to Bernie150781

That’s what I really wanted but it just wasn’t meant to be!I’m 10 weeks and 3 days is what that means 😊

Best of luck! C

gattonero profile image

Hi Ninie,I’ve gone through this a couple of times (fist with own eggs, then with donor eggs) and my doctor had always advised to transfer 2 instead of trying twice (at 35 and 36 years old). I don’t remember exactly why but I can recall she was very firm about it! Perhaps to avoid freezing it and risking issues with the subsequent thaw.

I know there are million factors that lead to a successful pregnancy but in my case, the last (3 day) transfer worked (2 embryos from frozen donor eggs + fresh dh sperm) and I am now a mum of a beautiful baby girl.

I’ve never been informed about the exact grade, they were just 10 and 8 cells on day 3.

Good luck! sending positive thoughts to you x

Chasingdreams20 profile image

Hi I got 3 eggs collected. One was transferred on day 3, one didn’t make it and one was a top grade on day 5 and was frozen. My one that transferred is now a 6wk 4day pregnancy. Wishing you lots of luck with what you decide xx

HopefulC profile image

*sensitive* Hi, I did IVF with donor eggs in November of 2019 and chose transfer only 1 of my 2 because the chances of successful implantation only increase slightly with two embryos as opposed to one embryo at a time during two separate tries. This is what my fertility doc told me, at least. The first single embryo transfer failed while the second single embryo transfer implanted and now I have a healthy baby girl. I would recommend asking your clinic what success rates are with one vs. Two embryo transfers.

I have always transferred multiples. My first round I only had 2 of my 3 fertilise and I transferred them both on day 3. My clinic don't grade embryos at day 3 so I wouldn't worry too much about quality, my mindset is they are best off inside you and if you are open to the small chance of a multiple pregnancy I would go for it.

Just FYI, my rounds got progressively better, I mixed up and changed from long to short protocol and that improved my results no end. I really hope this is the BFP round for you but wanted to reassure you that lots can be changed if you end up having to do another one

Good luck! xx

Ladycoco20 profile image

Morning just saw your post , I’m 44 & in September had 8 eggs , 6 fertilised ... we got down to 2 on day 5 ... one was perfect & the second wasn’t “as perfect “ not good enough to freeze so they advised to put both back . We felt a mixture of feelings but went with it ! I googled it endlessly worrying that the not so perfect embryo may effect the perfect one 😩 the clinic we used gave us sadly mixed messages about my fears . Sadly that cycle failed . Our follow up meeting basically informed us that my eggs are not great quality . Ask your clinic for advice lovely , sending you lots of baby dust for Thursday 🙏🏽💗

Cinderella5 profile image

Personally if you only have 2 then I'd put them both back. If you don't then its highly likely they wont freeze the other and it will be discarded. Best of luck.xx

Orla9298 profile image

I would agree fully with Cinderella, both, as if you just transfer 1, the other may not be a freezable quality by day 5 and you would lose it. Unless they tell you that they are both looking 100% top grade, I would pop both in x

Ivfgotadream profile image

It depends if you would be happy and able to carry a twin (or more pregnancy) - if you have any doubts as to your health or financial ability to have a multiples pregnancy then don’t risk it.

BBHH1 profile image

Yes better for older women to transfer 2 fresh! Good luck

ninieburelli profile image

Thank you for all your super helpful replies. I guess i'll see what the clinic say tomorrow and take it from there. Seems there is a case for both opinions! xxx

JenRoy profile image

I had two embryos transferred at day 5 when I was 39. One resulted in my little girl. If you’ve only got two, you may as well put both back in. They can’t be formally graded at day 3. Good luck!

ninieburelli profile image

Two on board and looking lovely apparently 🤞💖

ashalez profile image
ashalez in reply to ninieburelli

Good luck 🤞🤞🤞🤞

ninieburelli profile image
ninieburelli in reply to ashalez

thank you xxx

josephnsn profile image

I did my first ivf at 41 and transferred 2. I think the policy was after 40 you can transfer up to 3 at a time. It was a BFN. At 42 I transferred 3 and got pregnant with twins. Sadly 1 had passed away when I went for my 12wk scan. As a result of twins they couldn't do the blood test for the combined downs test and I came back as high risk for downs and ended up having an amniocentesis as I wanted to know about downs. Luckily the amnicentesis didn't cause a miscarriage and I had a healthy baby boy.

I would have loved to have twins but on the other hand as 1 twin died that and having to have an amniocentesis as the only way to find out about the downs was quite stressful. So there are pros and cons. There are more risks with twins but yet putting in 2 could increase your chances of getting pregnant. I would find out the grade as I have been told if there is big difference to grade the embryos might compete with each other. See what what your clinic advises and then think about it. As you are almost 40 and if you are ok with there being a possibility of having twins I personally would lean towards putting them both in.

Good luck!

ninieburelli profile image

Thanks josephnsn it sounds like you've had a really tough journey but so happy for you and your healthy baby boy. I had the two transferred yesterday but because they were day 3 embryos grading isn't available but i was assured they were both ideal. Now for the dreaded 2 week wait! 🤞🤞

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