First IVF cycle. Nervous about pessar... - Fertility Network UK

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First IVF cycle. Nervous about pessaries after egg collection.

Chicky86 profile image
27 Replies

This may seem like a silly thing to worry about, but I'm really nervous about using a pessary after my egg collection 😬

I was a little apprehensive about the injections which are absolutely fine but just can't seem to shake my feelings about the pessary. I've never felt comfortable wearing tampons so I'm stressing about it.

Did anyone else have this same issue or have any tips about it?

I'm guessing I'm worried I won't put it in right and I'll be able to feel it. Can I get an applicator somewhere to make it easier?

Thank you in advance ☺️ xx

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Chicky86 profile image
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27 Replies
ToughCOOKIE78 profile image

Hey Chucky! Wishing you good luck for egg collection! 🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻Don’t worry about the pessaries, they are easy to insert, they seem hard but melt quite quickly when you touch them so just a gentle push up will do the trick! 😊

No need to push them up so so high, they are absorbed through the vaginal wall....not sure whether there’s an applicator, I used cyclogest which don’t.

I am now using Crinone the vaginal gel, which does have an applicator...and I find it more annoying than the pessaries lol 😂

Hope this was helpful sending love ❤️

Chicky86 profile image
Chicky86 in reply to ToughCOOKIE78

Thank you so much for your quick reply, this is helpful! I will also be using cyclogest.

I have a scan on Wednesday to see how I'm progressing. I'm so glad I found this site!

Hope all is going well with you xx

ToughCOOKIE78 profile image
ToughCOOKIE78 in reply to Chicky86

You’re welcome dear! There’s plenty of lovely ladies on here always ready to support and share the journey with us! 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻❤️❤️❤️❤️🍀🍀🍀

Zebedee1971 profile image

It's OK, you can put them up your bum! It's honestly fine, feels a bit weird when they get sucked up😂 but after 30 seconds you forget they're there.

Chicky86 profile image
Chicky86 in reply to Zebedee1971

Thank you for your quick reply! I think I'd rather not put it in my bum, I'm sure that'd be much worse!! 😂😂

Thank you for reassuring me, this has helped alot, I spoke to the nurse about it at my last scan and she didn't really help my anxiousness at all 😬

So glad I found this site, it's great being able to talk to people who have or are going through the same things xx

FluffyFox profile image
FluffyFox in reply to Chicky86

Hey 👋🏻 it’s actually less messy and hassle using them rectally as you poop out the waxy coating, whereas if you use them vaginally the coating will leak into (and ruin) your knickers. Also with rectal you can go about your day straightaway, but vaginally you have to stay horizontal for a while after (30 mins-ish). I use a tiny bit of lube on the pessary which helps x

Italy300618 profile image

I totally feel you. My first cycle, I was worried about pessaries the most as I dont use tampons, my 1st one, came out and I got myself in such a tizz. But now its like second nature. Definitely take the time to do it lay down, and give yourself 15mins until you get back up so it will have easily absorbed. Just pop it in as far as you can comfortably, you'll be just fine 😘 xx

Chicky86 profile image
Chicky86 in reply to Italy300618

Thank you so much! I'm so glad to know I'm not the only one! I feel so much more relaxed after reading all the replies! ❤️ Xx

ashalez profile image

Hey Chicky don't worry if you manage to have injections I'm sure you will manage this as well 😘😘

Chicky86 profile image
Chicky86 in reply to ashalez

Thank you so much! I am feeling much more relaxed about it now xx

Cookiemonster5 profile image

You'll be fine, explain to the clinic staff and they'll reassure you, i can't remember which brand I used but they came with a little applicator, I'm sure the clinic will be able to give you some too XX

Chicky86 profile image
Chicky86 in reply to Cookiemonster5

Thank you, I'm sure it'll be fine after reading all the responses on here. Just really don't want to do anything wrong! Xx

Chasingdreams20 profile image

Hi I was worried about the same thing I started on Utrogen but had a bad reaction so was switched to cyclogest up the bum I really didn’t like the idea of this but personally I’ve found it better for me 😁

Chicky86 profile image
Chicky86 in reply to Chasingdreams20

Thank you so much for sharing. I'm probably worrying over nothing!! Xx

Blu15 profile image

As awful as it sounds it was better up the bum!😬 I used cyclogest and I tried to do it vaginally but it was really messy. I could feel it more also. The other way doesn’t sound appealing but it really was lots easier and more comfortable. Good luck with everything ♥️🤞

Chicky86 profile image
Chicky86 in reply to Blu15

Thank you so much. I can always try both ways and see what's easier for me, but definitely sounds like the bum is the preferred way for most of the ladies who have responded to me!! All the uncomfortableness will hopefully be worth it in the end xx

Blu15 profile image
Blu15 in reply to Chicky86

Yes definitely. After the first couple of times you will think nothing of it!! And it is worth it. I’m 18 weeks now and sick as a dog but still worth it 😁♥️

Chicky86 profile image
Chicky86 in reply to Blu15

Congratulations! That's amazing news. Was it your first try if you don't mind me asking? Xx

Keepingfaith2 profile image

Its all absolutely fine. I'm like you I have never worn tampons in my life as I hate the idea of them but honestly the pessaries are fine and they dissolve fast anyway they are not up there for that long. Back passage is easier, you only have to pop it in just a little bit that way and your muscles work does the rest and there is a lot less mess going that way.

Chicky86 profile image
Chicky86 in reply to Keepingfaith2

Thank you for the tip. It sounds a bit daunting, but I'm sure it will be much easier than I think, and I'll probably get used to it! Must just concentrate on the end goal!! Xx

Nessie3 profile image

Hello. I felt exactly the same way, I was so worried and embarrassed to ask for advice at clinic (not sure why as they’ve pretty much seen everything) I’m now 6weeks 2 days pregnant ... so have been doing them for over a month and they’re honestly fine.

I don’t wear tampons and get really uncomfortable at smears etc but they’re not hard to insert at all.

I lie down for about 30 minutes afterwards and just relax - when you use bathroom afterwards or throughout the day you might see bits of them in bowl but this is just the wax coating so don’t worry.

I also wear pantry liners to catch wax as once in underwear it’s a nightmare to get out.

You can also have your shower before / after (I was scared washing after would somehow wash them away but they’re already dissolved by that point)

Sorry that was a lot of info but I just remember being really worried too and it’s honestly fine xxx

Ps - I’m cyclogest too and you don’t need applicator.

Chicky86 profile image
Chicky86 in reply to Nessie3

Thank you for your response. I feel so much better reading others experiences that it's not too bad, and all the tips have been amazing. I'll definitely use it as a good excuse to have a little 30 minute rest! Xx

Linda84Co profile image

Hi, best of luck for your egg collection. Try not to worry so much, just remember to take them on time, I think the first time I was worried too but you will see it’s not that bad. My clinic is asking to put them in your bum before the transfer, even I think it’s been noted they could cancel the transfer if insert Cyclogest vaginally before embryo transfer, after you can do what ever is more comfortable. Xxx

Chicky86 profile image
Chicky86 in reply to Linda84Co

Amazing. Thank you for letting me know. I'm so happy to hear reading everyone's experience that it's not that bad! Xx

Linda84Co profile image
Linda84Co in reply to Chicky86

I think after we go through IVF, we realise nothing is too difficult 😘😘

Vegemite profile image

It’s definitely not silly at all! If you need to, you can message me privately.

I had a melt down and refused as my progesterone wasn’t low and my body doesn’t need it. In other countries they test test test so as to not give you unnecessary stress. I asked my doctor why, and he said it’s precautionary and helps. Insert another meltdown. So I only take ,if my bloods say I need it. I don’t believe in ‘everybody fits one size’ or just fake medication for the sake of taking it. Some need it, some do not. I’ve become really strong on the subject, to the point if my nurses even say the P word I walk out. Its my body, so it’s my rules and I know what’s best for me.

Chicky86 profile image


Hi lovely ladies. I had my egg collection yesterday. First pessary this morning. It was totally fine and I don't know why I was stressing about it 🙃

Thanks again for all your reassuring words. 😘


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