I am still desperate to have a baby at this very late stage, and need some encouragement.... Has anyone got pregnant after the age of 48, either naturally or through IUI, IVF, or donor egg? I would love to hear your stories for some encouragement. Thank you!
Anyone here get pregnant after age 48? - Fertility Network UK
Anyone here get pregnant after age 48?

Hey hun, I’m only 43 so can’t share personal experience but I have a friend who had twins via IVF with her own eggs and gave birth on her 47th birthday. Good luck with your journey xx
Hi! I got pregnant at 44 via donor eggs that unfortunately ended in a MMC at the beginning of this year as you can see from my profile.
Also, I have a friend who is currently pregnant through donor eggs. She is 49. She had her first at 46 via ivf.
My sister in law was 47 when she had my niece through ivf and used donor eggs. My brother and SIL went to Spain for their treatment.
Someone we knew had twins in their early 50’s! Fairly certain through donated eggs and her partners sperm and went abroad but shows it’s possible
Best of luck!
I am 46 and still trying. The last round, we got three eggs and two fertilized, but unfortunately got a BFN. It does happen, just be honest with yourself about what you are willing to go through. I wish you all the luck.

Ah Jen, I'm so sorry you didn't get your BFP. How disappointing for you. Good luck for the next round, assuming you're continuing. Thanks for the advice. It is all such a rollercoaster isn't it.
Hiya, my mum had my brother when she was 43 and now is now 47 and my brother is 4 and she had nothing wrong during her whole pregnancy but she delivered him via C-section
Hi Sammie. Thanks for your message. That's the same age I had my son, he is 5 now! I fell pregnant at 43 (after a couple of miscarriages) and like your mum I had a straightforward pregnancy, and even managed to have a water birth (despite the hospital putting me under a lot of pressure to induce early) so yes it can happen. I got pregnant again (naturally) at 46 but this also ended in miscarriage after the detection of slow heartbeat. Since then have continued to try but nothing, so I'm considering all the options. I think post 45 is a very different picture to 40-45 x
Hi. I had my first at 45 through donor eggs and am just on my TWW at the moment. I was a little worried what people would think but everyone has been amazing. I don’t see any difference between myself and the other mums I have been to classes and met. It is all about persistent so choice. Here if you need anything x
My mum knew a couple who had tried for over 10 years ivf & everything nothing worked so they eventually gave up & accepted they couldn’t have children. Anyway she fell pregnant naturally with twins at 50 (!!!) a boy & a girl. She thought it was the menopause! The twins are now 4 & are lovely children. Good luck to you xxx

Oh this is the most amazing story, thank you so much for posting! Thank you x