So I'm on my second FET, I'm 10dpt and I've had 5 positive pregnancy tests...the first few hours of finding out were amazing and I was so happy. Now I'm just filled with worry and doubt to get to the 12 week stage...which feels like an eternity!
I'll be getting my bloods taken today to confirm bfp.
Just wondering how the NHS (as I'm private) work out your due date? After my 6 week scan I was told I'd book in with an NHS midwife and at the 12 week scan they would tell me a due date...but with IVF / FET would it not just be there date I had my transfer, fast forward 9 months ?
I've heard they normally work it out going back to the date of your last period...which would mean when my 12 week scan is due I'd really only be 9 weeks...is this right or am I being totally daft?
This week I had a small bit of dark bleeding, sore back, cramps etc..just wondering for anyone who's gone through this how long that usually lasts?
Thanks ladies