I’ve got transfer number 7 of my 8th embryo coming up mid June and just wondered if anyone else out there had this many transfers or more and eventually managed a successful pregnancy? My last transfer was my first ever BFP but ended in miscarriage at 5 weeks. This journey is taking forever and the limbo land is just awful. I’d love to hear some positive stories!!! I’ve got 4 more embryos in the freezer x
Has anyone managed to get pregnant wi... - Fertility Network UK
Has anyone managed to get pregnant with their own eggs after 7 or more transfers?

I have heard of a woman who was successful on the 26th transfer x I think my next will be transfer number 9 but until my two last ones I didn’t even know what my problem was ... good luck for your next one x all the best
What was your problem and what have you been tested for? My doctors don’t want to test me for anything, they say to keep my head down and keep going. I was offered PGS for this current third cycle but turned it down as it’s nearly 3k but not sure if that was the right or wrong thing to do now...x
I have immune system issues, I sort of suspected that as after two transfers I had strange symptoms, flu like, as if my body was fighting an infection... then slight plus on the test and nothing after that, same thing happened to me when I got pregnant naturally, positive pregnancy test then one night woke up soaked in sweat and a few days later I had a miscarriage I also find out that I have slight endometriosis, I had a laparoscopy before Christmas to clear that.
I really hope that it works this time but I do realize that I also have to transfer an embryo that is completely healthy... I was planning to do PGS testing but only got two blastocysts this time (my doctor under simulated me) so if it doesn’t work with these two I will have to go through the entire process again and if I get 4 blastocysts or more I will definitely test them xx
And yes, I do hope we don’t have to have 26 transfers but I will do them if I have to
So glad you have found out your issues - you now just need to find a normal embryo! If only ivf was as simple as it sounds!!!! I also have slight endometriosis treated by a laparoscopy xxx good luck!!!!
I hope there are no more unrecognized issues though... you never know x sounds like your situation is quite similar to mine, I really hope that next transfer will be our lucky one 😽 and you are right, this process takes such a long time, it has been almost 3 years for me with IVF
Good luck Scarlet and keep me updated! If everything goes well I should have a transfer sometime next week so I think you will be one week behind me x
Wishing you all the best and keeping everything crossed.....this could be the one!
Hi Scarlett. I have a friend who had her 1st positive on transfer number 6. One thing she did do was have the ERA test. She found out her lining was most receptive on day 6 rather than day 5. It meant she started progesterone a day later and had transfer on day 6 rather than 5. Not sure whether this is the reason why it had been failing before but it worked so there may be something in it. I think the test costs £750. They did also have the embryo PGS tested and it came back ‘normal’.
Wishing you lots of luck for your next transfer and hoping this will be your time. xx
Thank you for your message, that’s really helpful. My consultant doesn’t believe in the ERA test and I turned down PGS due to the cost but now wondering if I should have gone for it x
I also did multiple rounds of ivf, 2 ended in chemical preg. The doc didn’t suggest pgs or genetic screening in my earlier cycles, only recently did she recommend. It is also very costly in my country but I think I’m gonna go for it. Very tired of having to go thru rounds of failure and disappointment. I can’t imagine having to go thru 26 transfers!
Hey lovely, from my understanding the only reason to do PGS is for genetic problems passed on like hereditary carriers of cystic fibrosis etc. It will stop you using what might be the lucky egg if it’s not up to standard... yes there is more to it but I chose not to! Good luck, wishing this time is the most positive yet 🍼💕💕 xx
Hi Scarlet, sorry to hear your having a crap time. I've now had 4 transfers, 7 embryos in total. 2 have ended in miscarriage and 2 in negative tests. I've got a follow up appt on Thursday before starting round 2 so will be asking about what tests we can have before our next round.
I cannot help with personal experiences, but some time ago I talked to a woman who had 8th or 9th time success with OE. During her journey she combined her treatment with different procedures such as acupuncture, meditation and PGS NGS.