First egg transfer tomorrow - Fertility Network UK

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First egg transfer tomorrow

Mrs_MT profile image
16 Replies

Latest update: I am on day 2 post egg collection. The embryologist said that our two eggs survived and are doing what they should be doing so far! (Insert *immense relief* here). Both are good quality but because there are only two eggs, they have asked me to come in to do my transfer tomorrow (day 3).

I have never done a transfer before and I am worried about going in with a full bladder, having a speculum and then thin catheter going in. Ppl say it’s like a papsmear, but I am squirmish with this and that’s without a full bladder. What is it really like? Is it as bad as it sounds? Do your legs have to go in a stirrup? Anyone pee on the consultant?

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Mrs_MT profile image
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16 Replies
Rachel-1992 profile image

Congratulations! I really hope all goes well tomorrow. I imagine that they are just eager to get the embryo inside you as that's where they're meant to be and where it will have the best chance!

I just had my first embryo transfer today and I was bursting for a wee and worried I would pee on the doctor! You will be on the same kind if position as when you had your trans vaginal ultrasound scans. There will be a nurse scanning your helping with the ultrasound thing and a doctor will put a speculum inside you (like with a smear test), open it so she can see the cervix, and pass a thin tube through the cervix. It was a bit uncomfortable and I was just focusing on not wetting myself! But it's all over within 5 to 10 mins and other than the discomfort of needing to pre and maybe some pain you still have from the egg collection, it's really not very bad.

Good luck!! Xxx

Rachel-1992 profile image
Rachel-1992 in reply to Rachel-1992

Omg just noticed the typos in that! It should say a 'nurse scanning your belly' haha

Mrs_MT profile image
Mrs_MT in reply to Rachel-1992

Oh my gosh yay! Do you mind me asking what your story is? Ok if not x. Glad to know that the transfer is not that bad and that you didn’t pee on the doctor 🤣. Its weird, but the thought of my legs being spread with a speculum being inserted is what is freaking me out the most! Sending you all the positive vibes xx

Rachel-1992 profile image
Rachel-1992 in reply to Mrs_MT

Of course!

So I'm 27 and my partner is 31, ttc for 2 years with unexplained infertility. Doc seems to think there is no obvious reason why we're not getting pregnant but not once had a BFP! I have high AMH and partners sperm count is normal.

I had a short protocol, egg collection was on friday and they got 8 eggs which I thought was a bit low. The next day 7 fertilized, then on day 3 we were told we had 3 top quality and 3 average quality. Day 5 today and only one good quality blastocyst. They didn't tell me the grade but they basically said the cells in the middle which go on to form the foetus are great, but the cells on the outside which create the placenta were average quality. Other 5 embryos seem to have stopped growing but they're keeping them in the lab for one more day to see if any make any progress. At the moment not looking likely we'll have any to freeze 😔

Anyway that's my story, sorry I really blabbed on haha! What's your story? Xxx

Mrs_MT profile image
Mrs_MT in reply to Rachel-1992

Lol not blabbing at all! Thank you for sharing! I am turning 37 in November. Our IVF journey started two years ago after a couple of years of TTC naturally. We found out that the hubby has azoospermia and more recently, I found that I have low AMH.

This is our first IVF round. We did the long protocol with the egg collection on Monday. We managed to get 8 mature eggs, but only 2 fertilised with ICSI. Which is where we are now! Day 2 with decent eggs. But they want me to come in for a transfer tomorrow due to low numbers.

So, here’s to the best scenario for the both of us! I am picturing positive thoughts with visions of us both announcing BFP in 2 weeks time with at least one good quality embryo to freeze!

Rachel-1992 profile image
Rachel-1992 in reply to Mrs_MT

I'm sorry to hear about your husband's azoospermia and your low AMH. So good that you've got 2 embryos though, given all that you've been through! Are you having 1 or 2 transferred! Keeping my fingers crossed for you 🤞

Mrs_MT profile image
Mrs_MT in reply to Rachel-1992

Just one I think but will keep you posted!

leah30 profile image
leah30 in reply to Rachel-1992

Haha me too I actually thought I could wee on the Dr ! Glad yours went well Rachel and good luck Mrs M x

The transfer is NOTHING compared to collection. The worst bit is the full bladder really and waiting for 10-15 mins flat on the table once they're done lol. Embryo didn't fall out when I stood up, nor did I pee on the doc 🤣🤣🤣

Good luck lovely xx

Mrs_MT profile image
Mrs_MT in reply to Florencenightingale

🤣 that’s a relief!! Did you drink loads of water beforehand?

Florencenightingale profile image
Florencenightingale in reply to Mrs_MT

I cant remember actually 🙈 I think maybe a 500ml bottle of water xx

Chel91 profile image

Just wanted to wish you the best of luck for tomorrow! My transfers have been easy peasy, you'll be totally fine! Just like a pap for me xx

Mrs_MT profile image

Thank you so much!

I just wanted to say that it’s absolutely fine. You will hardly feel it, you will just need a wee so that’s the only discomfort you will feel for a few minutes. You can wee straight afterwards. Good luck xx

MrsBobsy profile image

I had my very first transfer yesterday, day 2, as we only had 1 embryo to work with.

I had all the same thoughts you're having. Due to previous surgeries, I can get chronic pain even with a transvaginal ultrasound! So needless to say I was nervous. Everyone is right, it's the full bladder that's the worst bit. You'll be in stirrups, lying back. My nurses even put on calming music, which was nice!

I had some discomfort when the catheter went in and started to cramp, so they paused everything for a minute until I felt more comfortable, took some deep breaths and carried on. Other than the full bladder, that was the worst of it. So you'll be fine, I'm sure 😊

Good luck today! Kx

Mrs_MT profile image
Mrs_MT in reply to MrsBobsy

Thank you! This is what I need to hear! X

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