Hello all, i have been advised to take DHEA to improve my fertility as i have low AMH 2.56 at 40 and my previous IVF cycle was cancelled due to being a poor responder. has anyone taken DHEA for fertility before? does it help? where do you get it from in the UK? thank you all, with love
DHEA, why is it banned in the UK and ... - Fertility Network UK
DHEA, why is it banned in the UK and where to buy it from

Hi ..
i got mine from Thailand at the hospital but I didn’t continue and started taking other things instead and it helped me !
Omega 3
Folic acid
Vitamin e
thank you. i am also taking preconception from pregnancare and ubiqunol .
doctor recommend DHEA but i have read some bad reviews about the med. can i ask why you stopped taking it?
DHEA is a steroid and so is banned in the UK for purchase. You can get it online....I couldn't get the micronised version (which is best for absorption) so I opted for tablets from Biovea which come from abroad and can take a few weeks to get here especially with covid.xx
I went through 6 failed IVF ( 5 failed one blighted ovum). This is our 7th try and....
.... got BFP on Friday 11/9 . Beta was 137 (at 11dp3dt) and going today (3 days later) to get another beta. Hope it doubles nicely.
I started taking these; DHEA 100mg, CoQ10, Inositol and Folic Acid around 4 months before egg retrieval. I got my online from US site Piping Rock (they were shipped to my friends in Poland and they shipped it to us in UK) .I do believe above helped me to get my BFP
Good luck xx
PS. I didn't inform my doctor about taking the above.... just listed to Dr. Google
I stopped taking all apart from Folic Acid on the day of egg retrieval.
Oh and Im 39yo
My IVF journey started in 2015 .... but 2020 is my year!
Hi I was advised from doctor to buy DEHA from BIOVENA web. They always have some special offers.
I got two boxes unopened because different fertility doctor told me looking on my medical history despite my age (40 in November) my AMH is 6.7 that I don’t need it .
I know it helps but there r sides effects.
I didn’t start my so I’m stack with two unopened DEHA 25mg boxes. Xx
thank you Olivia and lady pink. i ended up going to my clinic last week to get a emergency bottle. they charged me £44 for 60 capsules. madness. i have ordered them from iherbs use 300 capsules for £20, hopefully they will come next week. i am starting IUI when my next period comes. i was a poor responder in my first iVF and doc recommend IUI. he told me they would only give me one more go at IVF but lets start with IUI with merifort. fingers crossed. xx
Morning! Our clinic encourages taking it and I think it has definitely helped us. We went from having a cycle abandoned due to poor response to four frozen embryos (I’m almost 40). I order from iherb in the US and they arrive pretty quickly. Micronised DHEA 25 x 3 times a day. Hope this helps and good luck! x