I have very diminished ovarian reserve with an extremely low AMH. I have already had one failed IVF where we managed to get 4 eggs and ended up having two 2day embryos transfered which didn't take. I am reading it starts with the egg and want to try DHEA, I know I need to get the micronized version but wanted to know where others have bought it from please?
DHEA, where can I buy this from? - Fertility Network UK
DHEA, where can I buy this from?

I’ve not read it started with the egg yet but I’ve read a lot of zita west’s book and if you can afford it they offer all the nutritional supplements you need and they’re good quality, you need to make sure you’re getting the right form and that it’s from a reputable supplier, vitamins aren’t regulated the same way medicines are.
Holland and Barrett most likely but you might not be able to get it on it’s own it may be in a multivitamin so just check it’s the right dose.
I worked in the pharma industry for a few years so if you need any help with anything let me know, if I see anything I’ll send you the link x
Hello Sarah, I am supplying from my local pharmacist in Belgium. He is unsure weather the DHEA is in micronized form but submitted me the specification of the product. ansm.sante.fr/var/ansm_site...
I try to become a specialist on the subject but obviously have no clue. If you could extract some relevant information from this document, that would be very helpful. Thanks,
This is a monograph for testing the product which without an actual certificate of analysis or information leaflet would suggest its pharmaceutical grade which is good, but there isn’t a test for pore size or particulates so it might not be micronised. Micronised is just easier to absorb and bypasses liver metabolism for maximum uptake, purity needs to be a minimum of 99.0% I would just check that you can get this from your pharmacist without a prescription because this particular product is listed as a class C drug because it’s an anabolic steroid, don’t want to alarm you it would be perfectly fine to take for what you’re going to be using it for, I would recommend you check with your pharmacist before buying.
Hope that helps x
Many Thanks Sarah for your help. I finally understood the value of the DHEA to be micronised. I received a prescription from my Fertility Doctor but they weren't sure about the micronised criterium either. It is all new for them too, they say it's experimental and do not want to be too involved in the DHEA details... Thanks again.
No probs 😊 if it’s a prescription it most certainly will be licensed and to be licensed it has to meet this criteria or it won’t make it to the pharmacy lol. What I’m not sure of is the difference in bioavailability, which is how much will go into your bloodstream after it’s metabolised between the micronised and non DHEA, if there’s little to no difference it might be worth a try, or if it’s safe take a higher dose?
Good luck with it, I’m on 2ww for my first cycle but if this doesn’t work I’m going to get some blood work done to help identify any deficiencies and get some nutrition support to try and improve my egg quality and hopefully improve my chances naturally x
What do you think about this product?
Definitely micronised and it’s GMP certified which means that it’s been manufactured to Good manufacturing practice regulations and will be certified for quality x
Hi i just ordered it online x
I ordered mine from America, will upload a picture of it in a little while.
I got mine from the states. My friend who lives there ordered micronised on Amazon prime then posted it to me here.. my egg number and quality went up after taking and my consultant recommends taking during naturally ttc also..just don't take it on 2ww xx
our consultant said yes incase you pregnant. .so she suggested you abstain while taking it for a couple of months then stop on 2wws. ..to be honest I don't think we did that before but will do it now..we abstaining at mo anyway cause I had scratch so topping up on dhea now...it's hard as no doctors in this country seem to give a definitive view on dhea however ours has been very open about it..still no evidence to say it helps but worth a try xx