Unfortunately our first cycle of IVF failed, I tested last Sunday BFN 😔 and then bleed that night after the 2ww and was just wondering how long other peoples withdrawal bleeding lasted after a failed cycle? I’m on day 9 now of a heavy period and getting me down a little as it’s a constant reminder of failing and just want to move forward and get my body back to normal 🧡💛 Xxx
Withdrawal bleed after failed cycle - Fertility Network UK
Withdrawal bleed after failed cycle

Mine only started today after failed FET. So far only spotting-light. Pray its not 10 days. My withdrawal bleed are usually 3 days ultra heavy x
I’m so sorry you’ve not got your positive result. It’s the hardest thing to deal with and the pain cuts so deep. I didn’t have any bleeding until a week after coming off progesterone, then had 2/3 days of heavy flow, around 5 days of spotting, a couple
of days of nothing and then another 4/5 days of heavy flow again. Back to spotting now and really hoping this is it now because I’m totally fed up! It really is just a reminder of what’s gone wrong and so difficult to look forward when you don’t even know when your next day 1 will be 😔 really hope it’s all settles back down soon.
Each cycle I have found is different but this one I bled really heavily for 9 days and it suddenly completely overnight so really hope yours does too. Sorry about your bfn xx
So sorry to hear that. It's so hard when it doesn't work. I recently had a failed frozen cycle and the bleed that followed was so heavy and painful I was quite alarmed. It lasted about 14 days but the last 4 were a lot lighter. Hope it settles down soon. Take care. Xx