Hi lovely ladies,
I hope you’re all well. I’m sorry if this post upsets anyone but I’ve always found the positive posts so inspirational & I felt it was my turn to give some hope, especially those who are looking at doing this as a single mum by choice too ❤️
It hasn’t been easy to get here and to be honest I completely underestimated how hard it would be. This forum has been my saviour. It’s taught me so much and also made me feel less alone. Thank you all.
After having my medicated FET cancelled in December due to lining issues which required me to have a hysteroscopy in Jan, I then had a natural FET in February which failed. I rushed in to another one in March which also failed - seeing that negative whilst living alone in lockdown hit me hard.
So when clinics closed & there was nothing anyone could do, I used this time to get strong again, mentally & physically. Lockdown made me slow down - something I didn’t even realise I needed to do until then.
In June I had a natural FET & had 2 embryos transferred and I’m so happy to say one of them stuck and here is my scan at 12weeks 6 days 🥰
I know I still have a long way to go but I’m trying to relax and enjoy this time. Having shared the news with my family now, I also have this lovely feeling of relief too.
I just wanted to say, delays are tough but sometimes they are what we need so we can take a step back and get back to being us again.
Sorry for the long post. Thanks for reading. Sending love to you all 😘 xxx