I just can’t shake the feeling that something isn’t right. I had a faint positive result a week ago, I’ve had two blood tests taken, one last week that showed by levels were 32 then one 3 days later which showed levels were 89. The clinic seemed happy with the results and said to book a 7 week scan which is in 2 weeks time. On Friday however I started getting period type cramps, they come and go, they go from the groin area to my lower abdomen, they are not constant, worse during the day. I’ve also had a small about of spotting. Not red, slightly pink then a beige/tan colour and only when I wipe. The spotting comes and goes, there’s nothing in the morning, a little in the day and nothing in the evening. I called the clinic at the weekend and they said it’s normal and try to relax. I’m going to call them again tomorrow to see if they will scan me. Has anyone experienced anything similar? Does it sound ectopic?
Ectopic, miscarriage or just going cr... - Fertility Network UK
Ectopic, miscarriage or just going crazy!

Hi Harlem,
Sorry to hear you are having some pain.
It's so, so hard but try not to over think things, I hear spotting is pretty normal early on as things are growing it causes tears in the womb lining, so hopefully it's a positive sign that things are developing as they should - fingers crossed!!
An ectopic is generally associated with pain on either left or right and also lower in the vagina rather than the womb.
That said, the scan in a couple weeks is all that can be done to confirm, it's frustrating but try to take your mind off it, sweetie Xx
Hi Harlem,
Everything you’re describing sounds normal to me. I had period cramps early on and a small amount of brownish spotting around the 5/6 week mark. Your uterus is stretching at the moment so it’s really normal to have some cramps and discomfort. I’ve had a mc before and the cramps with that were excruciating, definitely not what you’re describing.
Like your clinic said, try and relax. The wait for that first scan feels like a lifetime but you’ll get there ❤️ xxx
I’ve had 2 ectopics both ruptured. I’d say at first the pain felt like a stitch - one sided pain - not low down actually - more like if you draw a line horizontally across from your belly button - that sort of area (but depends on the kind of ectopic and where it implants in the tube)
I had no bleeding
The pain is totally different to miscarriage pain (I’ve had several of them) which is more central and low down and for me normally accompanied by back pain and a heavy full feeling in my uterus which is tender to touch and usually also bleeding
With my ectopic the first time I had pain on the Tuesday and then it went away until it ruptured on the Sunday. With my second it was much quicker but baby had a strong heartbeat and I experienced pain around 730am and by 730pm it had ruptured. The pain is like nothing I can describe - closet being like someone has literally got your tube in their hands and is trying to rip it from your body. You can’t walk or talk due to the pain and no amount of pain killers take the edge off (you need the good stuff for that - morphine!)
I've had 2 ectopics, both mine ruptured too and I would agree with ivfgotadream, the pain is like nothing you can describe. For me was a very sharp stabbing pain more to the side than in the uterus so doesnt feel like a period pain and very intense. Get a scan soon as you can to make sure, hopefully will all be ok x
I think even now they can scan and see the sac, when I had chemical my dr couldn’t see the sac.. don’t think negatively to me it feels when I think negative it happens.. be positive
So, I’ve spoken to the clinic and they said at this stage they can’t really scan me as with my HCG levels it’s unlikely they’ll see anything. Should I be pushing? I’m booked in for a blood test on Wednesday to see whether my levels are going up. My pain doesn’t sound like what you’ve described so I’m hoping it’s not ectopic.