Sister has cut ties with me due to my... - Fertility Network UK

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Sister has cut ties with me due to my pregnancy announcement... 😠 😡

Faith103 profile image
28 Replies

Hi all.

Hope you are all as well as can be on this journey. ❤️

I just wanted to have a rant really.

I am a stage 4 endo sufferer and I’ve struggled to conceive and have children for 10 years. After finally hitting the 12 week mark I announced my pregnancy yesterday.

My sister did not respond well. At first she was like a police woman with her million and one questions. Anyways In the end I explained that it was ivf and that our parents wanted to see me happy and helped me with going half’s on the ivf cost...well she hit the roof. She said right I want the amount knocking of her inheritance and she’s not having as much. This is the money my dad will be leaving us.

My mum and dad are no longer together but my ivf has brought them together as friends which my sister doesn’t like. My sister no longer speaks to my mum as they fell out over 5 years ago and my sister stopped my mum seeing her grandkids. Very cruel my mum was heartbroken. I have tried and tried with my sister but I just don’t think she wants me happy I mean imagine thinking about your fathers money for after he dies. It makes me sick. She has never wanted me to have children and she’s never been my support throughout my trips in and out of hospital with my endo for the last 10 years.

I remember last year when I had an ectopic I hadn’t see her in ages and the first thing she said was ‘I thought you couldn’t have kids’ anyways after the announcement yesterday that it was ivf she called my dad an 69 year old man by the way and told him she wants £7000 to compensate for my ivf etc. So I messaged her and told her she was heartless and cruel. I told her no amount of money will make up for losing my dad in the future. She blocked me and didn’t reply. She’s cut me off like she did my mum.

Good riddance to bad rubbish I say. Families can be odd!

Crazy after all I’ve been through with my operations my endo, my failed ivf attempts and my pregnancy loses this is what she does. She tried to ruin my big day I always waited for but in the end she didn’t I had so many people who was happy for me and sent their wishes to me in regards to my news.

I will move on an concentrate on the people who matter. I will just make sure my dad is well and she doesn’t cause him to much heartache.


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Faith103 profile image
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28 Replies
Jad537 profile image

Aww faith this is awful!! Your sister sounds like a nasty piece of work who doesn't deserve to be in your lives.!!and for your dad I hope he sees her for what she really is and cuts her selfish arse out of the inheritance all together and gives her share to someone more worthy, or even a charity. That will make her realise that her selfishness and bitterness got her nowhere.

Just concentrate on you and your close unit. Some people just do not wish anyone else to be happy if it doesn't fully involve them.

You enjoy every minute of your pregnancy!!! You deserve it xxx

cmbxm profile image

Honesty you reacted so much better than I would’ve, I probably would’ve ended up slapping my sister if that was the reaction, she is clearly a bitter and cruel woman that only cares about £££££, you and the baby are so much better off without her!! But this is where your dad needs to state in his will that he gifted you the money for the IVF with no future repercussions for you or that your sister is entitled to £7k more than you if he decides that or your sister could make things a lot harder when he died and go after the money and drag the proceedings regarding this out for a long time which no one needs when you’ve just lost someone, but she’s clearly a cash hungry cow and after that quite frankly disgusting reaction I wouldn’t put it past her xx

I’d say good riddance aswel you don’t need her in your future.

I hope your dad told her to go fuck herself and she’d be getting bugger for all acting all entitled.

Congratulations with your pregnancy enjoy it x

Kitty230515 profile image

You can’t pick your family. Sounds like she’s got a bit of the green eyed monster.

Don’t let anyone dull your sparkle and this magic moment.

You’ve waiting long enough.

What you’re dad decides to do with his money is up to him, and none of your sister business.

My parents paid for our drugs for our last IVF treatment, but it was on the promise that I wouldn’t tell anyone one, as my sister can react like this as well.

She hasn’t spoken to me since my last miscarriage, ( my 2nd one)she told my mum that she should be concentrating on the grandchild she already has, and that I’m not the only person to have a miscarriage.

Sisters/family always know the buttons to press which will hurt you the most.

You just need to concentrate on you!! You don’t need or deserve that type of person in your life.


kt_11 profile image

So sorry to hear this has been the response to your incredible news, but I think it sounds like you’ve already got the measure of her and you’re right - now is the time to take care of yourself and those who care about you.

I have never for one minute even thought about my inheritance. I agree with you and feel that the most important thing is that my parents are here with me. I know my sister would not bat an eyelid if they’d helped fund my IVF (they didn’t as I was lucky enough to have a successful NHS round).

Congratulations on your much longed-for pregnancy. Take care of yourself & your parents. I’m sure they’ll be so proud and happy that they were able to help you conceive their grandchild x

FluffyPink profile image

I am so sorry to hear this. It’s jaw droppingly awful behaviour but I’m sure you’ve sadly seen something like it before from your sister. She sounds damaged from something in her childhood but of course she is an adult now and needs to learn to behave like one.

I can imagine that you will always grieve a little for the sister you hoped she would be and the closeness you thought you might have. I’m sorry she has let you down and hope in time she matures and comes to see how selfish she has been. Congratulations on your amazing news following an extraordinary journey. xxx

staaa88 profile image

What?!?! This is horrible, I really try and see others point of view, but I struggle with this one. What a spiteful sister she is. Just try and focus on the positives for the sake of your stress levels during your pregnancy. Congratulations too xx

Dorekhani profile image

Hi congratulations for your success

It is really very happiness but I think your sister is unfortunate person because sisters share every sorrow and happiness together... Just forget about her don't even think about her.. Enjoy your golden days.. Be happy and live for yourself

ChloeL934 profile image

Omg how awful!! Sounds like your better off not having anything to do with her!! A big massive congratulations on your pregnancy, after all you deserve this so much after your struggle. Best wishes xxx

Pinkybaby profile image

I'm so happy for your good news. Concentrate on your pregnancy and take good care of yourself. Xx

jengi profile image

Congratulations on your amazing news and the best of luck with the remainder of your pregnancy. Your sister’s selfish behaviour is totally unacceptable. There are clearly some deep rooted issues going on. Sometimes we have to make tough decisions and walk away from people who don’t have a positive influence on our lives. You need to prioritise you and the baby and you don’t need this hurt, stress or strain right now. Xx

Littlepeax profile image

Aww Faith sorry to hear this hun. So cruel and unbelievably selfish from your sister. Please don't let this ruin your special moment 🥰 Focus on you and bubs! Bless your Dad for helping you ♥️ he will be a very proud Grandfather soon ♥️

P.s her loss! You really dont need people like that in your life, even if you are related xxx

FrancyItaly profile image

I’m so sorry to hear this, she is obviously very jealous. You don’t need to have her in your life, you or your parents didn’t do anything wrong!

It’s lovely that your parents got closer and helped you towards the ivf cost.

I hope you won’t let your sister affect you too much and that you get to enjoy this magical moment 💕✨

I don’t really know what to say, but I am very sorry to hear your sisters reaction. I can’t imagine how upsetting that must’ve been for you. It is such wonderful news & I am very happy for you. Don’t allow her reaction to spoil your happiness. ❤️ xxx

Ivfgotadream profile image

I’m sorry your sister sounds awful

To be honest I’ve had a similar reaction by my sister but not about money - I’m having twins and she seems to be exhibiting serious jealousy/envy that I’ll have more children than her (these will hopefully be nr 2&3 for me and she has 2).

Thing is I lost 6 babies after my daughter - nearly dying twice from ruptured ectopics and then went through 5 rounds of IVF to get pregnant again. She had no trouble conceiving or experienced losing a baby. It’s sad that our families can’t just be happy for us x

Lillilly profile image

First off, a huge congratulations!!! Secondly, forget the rest of the world and focus on you and taking care of yourself and the growing little one. This is such an exciting time for you.

Your sister is bonkers and no amount of reasoning and rational talk will change that. There may be more info to the story but it’s completely irrelevant now. She’s chosen her path. I have a sister who isn’t as bad as yours but she is manipulative and deceitful. Not always and she does have genuine caring attributes. I know her games are a protective mechanism due to us having a terrible childhood, but we’re adults now (she’ll be 40 soon). Last year I decided only to engage with her when it’s necessary. I couldn’t cope with the nonsense anymore. And she knows she pushed me too far but won’t bring it up and instead finds BS reasons to try and engage with me. I feel sad because she’s family and I used to like her, but if a friend behaved to me the way she did, I’d have severed the friendship much sooner. It’s not easy cutting family out, but sometimes you have to do it to help them as much as to protect yourself. I haven’t seen my mother in 23 years. (She’s the reason my sister is so effed up in the first place). My life is so much happier without her in it. When I feel sad about it I remember that its sadness for something that never was. Your sister will never be supportive or considerate and will only drag you and everyone else down it sounds like. As for the money, no amount of money will ever make someone like her happy.

You’ve got what you want now. Your miracle! And I was so happy to read that your parents became closer to help you. Wonderful wonderful outcome. Xxxx

Mmmpudding profile image

Congratulations! There always seems to be one (or two or three 🥴) in the family who is trouble. My family is no different and I totally understand why you needed to rant. You don’t need such negativity and jealousy in your life, especially not whilst you are pregnant. Stay focus on yourself and don’t let others affect you in a negative way. You will be a wonderful mother and no one can take that away from you xx

treezuk profile image

Don’t let her stress you out and take your joy away I had issues with my sister to she was just an idiot it was pregnancy related but when I was heavily pregnant she attacked my husband we never spoke after that for over a year we do occasionally speak now but I keep her at an arms length after that as it’s not good for me to have her in my life.

Your doing the best thing for you and your family and cutting her out x

FertileMind profile image

Congratulations on being pregnant. Enjoy every second. That's really sad about your sister. She's obviously very unhappy inside. Send her love in your thoughts...and hope she'll come round to realise what a gem of a sister you are and appreciate her family one day.

You need only positive thoughts now, no stress ...adrenalin and cortisol the stress hormones impacts the baby's brain development in the womb ( the HPA Dr Gabor Mate's book "When the Body says NO..the cost of hidden stress" He's also written an amazing book "Hold onto your kids" all about attunement that is vital for the child/parent relationship)

We can only accept and make peace with what is....your happiness and your baby's healthy growth and brain development is the most important priority now. Love and light xx

Abbywithag profile image

No offence but she sounds like a mega bitch. Good luck and happiness to you & you’re fam 💖

Three words - What. A. D*ck.

Huge congratulations on your pregnancy. Only focus on those who make you happy and feel good. You deserve every moment of it and none of your news should even concern or involve your sister as this is all about you and yet she has made it about her. Cut her out and let her make an even bigger fool of herself. 😂😂

Lots of love and luck in the coming weeks and months ❤️❤️ Xx

hifer profile image

Well, I read your post thinking that at some stage, she might show a redeeming quality. There is nothing nice to say about her behaviour at all. This is despicable. I can’t even comprehend why anyone would act this way, let alone your own sister. I’m so sorry you’ve been through this. However you just can’t have this negativity in your life, especially as you’re pregnant. You need to avoid her at all costs and focus on you now xx

Keepingfaith85 profile image

You deserve this moment and handled yourself brilliantly. She sounds very cold hearted and jealous unfortunately that's unlikely to change.

Congratulations, add me to list of people who are delighted for you along with everyone else on this forum ❤️❤️❤️❤️

Running79 profile image


From what you have said I would say it’s not the fact that your pregnant, it’s the fact that your parents have helped you pay for IVF treatment, and she sees that she has missed out ......

Unfortunately it is money that shows people’s true colours, I have seen this first hand, when I was an executer to my late uncles estate - half of our family are not talking due to some being money grabbers - you are better off without them - I disowned some of my extended family and don’t feel any regrets

CLDxxx profile image

I’m sorry to read this. It’s incredibly sad she can’t see past the money and be happy for you but it’s her loss.

This is your time which you deserve so much so surround yourself with the positive people in your life and put her to the back of your mind. We are all happy for you and supporting you all the way. I hope your dad is ok 💕


Im sorry to say it, but her response says it all. What a horrible, miserable human being she is. What is worse is that she should be celebrating your news, not thinking about herself and her own greed. Disgraceful, she should be ashamed of herself.

Faith103 profile image

Thankyou all for your replies! Your replies are exactly what I hoped for in order to make me see I am not being out of order! I doubt I will ever make up with my sister this has been going on for a long time even before ivf. I can’t believe she is so angry at my parents helping me with my dream. It’s okay for her she has 2 children which come to her easy.I tried to keep quiet but it just becomes to much. I will get on will life and like everyone said concentrate on who matters. 😃

Hope everyone on here is doing well. Take care you lovely people xxxx ❤️

Faith103 profile image

No sorry I am white British. I just have a horrible sister! x

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