So after no surprise at all I got my BFN on my Otd this morning morning. Don't feel as bad as I thought I would say I'd been testing through out last week so had begun to prepare myself and cry my eyes out ☹️. We've 2 more blasts left. Any stories of encouragement for girls whom this has worked for on second, third or subsequent attempts might cheer me up today 😊
First transfer BFN: So after no... - Fertility Network UK
First transfer BFN

Really sorry. BFN’s are so tough. I haven’t got any stories of hope to share as yet I’m afraid but just wanted to send a big understanding hug. And wishing you the best of luck with your frosties when the time comes xxx
So sorry to hear that. I have not managed to produce embryos that are good enough to transfer so no positive stories from me.... but amazing that you have 2 more blasts!!! 🤞🏻 Good luck... it ain’t over yet!! x x
Hi lovely. First of all i’m so sorry 😔 BFN’s are soul destroying, i remember the feeling so well.
They say your first round is a ‘trial run’ and as devestating as it is, both you and your Drs will look at what went well this time and what didnt, and change it for next.
My first round didnt work and i was gutted. Out if 8 eggs, only 3 fertilised and they transferred one embryo back on day 2, i was left with nothing to freeze. It was a BFN and i was gutted, convinced IVF would never work for me.
Fast forward 4 months to when i started my second cycle, which was much more successful and i am now almost 24 weeks pregnant. I am still shocked to this day!
We have unexplained infertility.
Let yourself grieve, eat loads of crappy food, have a drink and binge on netflix. Do what YOU need to do to get yourself through this rubbish time. When you feel ready get the ball back rolling .. this is NOT the end for you.
Lots of love 💕 xx
Thank you for such an uplifting reply. Its really cheered me up and given me some hope! Today is definitely junk food binge day, watching back to back friends episodes and allowing myself to digest what's happened. Then we dust ourselves off and start again 😊 a huge congratulations on your pregnancy and wishing you all the best with it! Xxx
So sorry to hear this Net25, I was in the same situation just 2 weeks ago. It is heartbreaking but we will get though it & like you said, dust yourselves off & keep going 💪💕
Hi Net25, I was in the same situation 4 months ago. I then went from saying I’d never do ivf again to restarting it last week, after lots of quarantine soul-searching. You still want this baby - you still deserve it - and when u are feeling the roughest you’ll channel the strength to carry on. Cheesy but true.
Netflix, chocolate, wine, reruns of your fav films and at least one friend or family member that you can wail and cry on the phone to are what I recommend. Msg me if there is any way I can help. Good luck and stay strong xx