Third time with our own eggs and it’s another BFN. It is exhausting - I’m so tired of being on this journey right now. We paid for a multi-cycle so technically have another round to go (who thought that was a good idea 😒). I don’t know when we’ll have the energy or will to go again - feel so flat about it all. X
Third time transfer BFN: Third time... - Fertility Network UK
Third time transfer BFN

ahhhhhh darlin, am so sorry to read this. such a devestating end to a gruelling process.
give yourselves time to grieve and heal - don’t even think about next steps now.
i hope you find strength in the days ahead - hold each other tight.
sending love & light ✨💕✨
So sorry to hear this. Take some time to recoup. Treat yourself and be kind to yourself. Hope you feel better soon lovely xxx
Aww I'm really sorry, these constant bfns really do take it out of you don't they! It's just the worst day but as you know we seem to get the strength from god knows where to go again!! Sending huge hugs xx
I'm really sorry to read this. Sending you big hugs xxx
Im so sorry that u didnt get ur BFP! Im sure u are devastated. This is a cruel journey. It just feels like pot luck - its so unfair. Be kind to yourself 💞xxx
I'm so so sorry. I've been thinking of you and will continue to do so. Life is bloody cruel. Take time to look after yourself and put yourselves first.
Sending love xxxxxx
Im terribly sorry Ava .it really is exhausting and heartbreaking. Take some time out to heal and think about the next step. I got lucky 4th time around with a bfp and in hopeful Every day that it all goes well .dont give up. Just keep the hope alive.
Sending hugs to you. Take care of yourself. xx

Thanks Lawmom - gives me a flicker of hope and huge congratulations, hope all continues to develop well xxx
Oh my so sorry. You’ve been so strong to go through this process. You look after yourself. Xx
So sorry lovely. Such hard times. Your immensely strong hun and you'll get through it just like you have before, it hurts so bad but the determination to get your baby in your arms is what keeps you fighting. For now treat yourself have some fun then when your ready come back fighting like you always do. Have you had a biopsy of the womb and tests to see if you have implantation problems. If you haven't maybe these are options to consider when your ready
Big hugs lovely
Oh no! I’m gutted for you x
So sorry to hear this, remember tho all us women going through this battle are all fighters and i know u are too, take some time to recover and then keep fighting for your dream xxxxx

Thanks myhope xxx
So sorry to read this!! It’s so heartbreaking and exhausting - I really feel for you!! Look after yourself!! xx
I’m so sorry to hear this. It is exhausting. Maybe give yourself a break for a while. You’ve earned it. xxx
I'm so sorry to read this. You must be feeling incredibly frustrated and disappointed. No need to make any decisions just yet, just breathe and keep eating chocolate 😉 Take care xx

Thank you JoJo - breathe and eat, breathe and eat I think I can manage that. Now where’s the toblerone.... 😋 xxx
Hugs 💕 xx
So sorry for you sweet sending you big hugs xxx
Hi 7ava im so sorry to hear it hasn't worked it really is an exhausting and unfair journey and it takes everything out of you. I'm sure you need some time to adjust and grieve before considering any more treatment for the time being and hopefully giving yourself a break from it all xxx

Yes, I think you’re right nmill. I think we’re going to plan a holiday to have break xxx
Aww I'm so sorry for you, I know how you feel we had 3 rounds of ivf with my own eggs and all failed and I know it's devastating. It will take you time to accept it didn't work but you will get there in the end. Well that's what I keep saying. I'm waiting to go ahead with my fourth cycle but I need to be well mentally and physically before and my last cycle was 2 years ago so take time have a little break and you will get there I'm sure. I'm trying a different clinic for my next round not sure if that's anything you would consider.
All the best take time and relax us ladies are strong and we will fight for what we want xx
awwwww hun...I am so so sorry. .this process gets harder and harder the longer you are in it..know that right now things seem awful, painful the most painful in fact just totally shite and unfair. together with time you will find the strength to go are a warrior eventhough you don't feel it right now..sending love and hugs and we always here anytime xxxx
Oh I’m really sorry to read this. It’s really unfair. Thinking of you xx
So sorry to read this. It’s such a hard process to go through and knocks you for more than 6. Take your time and waintil you feel ready again. Sending big hugs to you and hope for next time xxxxxx
Actually heart breaking reading this. I'm devastated for you both. Keep your chin up you and your partner are strong and can get through this together. Fingers crossed that the next round is your time. Let your body recoup and mind relax before you go for it. We are all with you xxx

Thank you Clairet1987 - feel so supported to hear that xxx
I feel the same as you. I am on the multicycle program too. I have add 2 fresh cycles and 2 x FET's. I am tired going through all the medication and procedures, but trying to plod on. I am due to start my fresh cycle again this month, but it takes a lot out of you, so try and relax and not stress yourself out . Good Luck !
I'm so sorry. You must feel so fed up and deflated. It's such a tough journey, and takes so much out of you. It sounds like you need a break, time to heal and re-gather your energy. You've both been so brave to have gotten this far xx
Hey there. Feel sorry for you. Just hang in there and be strong. Don't lose hope. Staying positive and hopeful will help you in staying calm and fresh. You should take some time to relax. Your body and mind both need time to recover from such a situation. You have to stay strong in order to fight this. One day you are going to be a mother and that day you will forget all this. These days will look so little to you in front of the happiness you will have from being a mother. Try to go for a walk daily. And breath fresh air. Have healthy food, try to have more fruits and vegetables. Wishes on your way. Lots of baby dust on you. Much love.
Thank you to all you wonderful women for your kind and thoughtful messages. I haven’t had time to reply to them all today because I’ve been at work but I’ve read snatches through the day and have felt so cared for and supported. I know people have said it before but this site has really been invaluable on this bumpy journey. Thank you all xxx
Dear Ava this is sad news and i hope you take all the time you need to heal. There are so many stories from peoples IVF journeys on here and it always amazes me to see so much kindness and strength. I hope that in the future that both your dreams come true. X
Hi there. I hope you are fine. Don't worry every thing will be alright.Consult to a good doctor. Your journey will be good. Its not bad its good.Take care of yourself. Don't take stress.Due to stress you can face problem.
Dear it's agonising isn't it . I don't hv any advice but I can feel u . I've gone through it all . The last being on Nov with nothing at collection and post cycle having horrendous period bleeding and now a cyst in one of my ovaries. It's never ending really. I don't hv d energy to even think about it.
Hi there.relax dear..Keep your hope always high.never give up..time is never been same.It's must be changed for you also just hope for good.A woman's body will change and go back on the way after some time.Every mother has a different mothering technique you must have.I had also faced problems to conceive a baby.I and my husband losing so much but finally gain now after 2 years of hard struggle.I know it's tough to deal but you can go through for it again.It's hard to bear but you just keep your thoughts positive at all the time.If you gain some negative test and negative cycles.Don't worry it's beginning and that time also gone soon and you have much pleasure and success in future.It takes time but not impossible.I was sending you all my positive energy to you.hope for positive and things happening in future.You definitely make things right in your, just believe in yourself and find different ways to sort out all your worries and problem.I pray for you.This time everything would be much positive and fine.Best wishes!
Ah I’m so sorry to read this, your definitely in the right place for support. Wishing you lots of luck for the future 🤗 (hugs) x

Thank you Queenkelz xxx
So sorry to hear this I feel you,Give yourself time to grieve. When you feel ready start it again don’t push or rush yourself. Good luck xx
Thank you xx