So I did something silly last yesterday evening and tested on one of those cheap Co op home tests after 5 days of torture. It was definitely negative. Have I just tested ridiculously early or should I be reading into this?? Any words of wisdom would help! Xxx
Negative test 5dp blast transfer - Fertility Network UK
Negative test 5dp blast transfer
Far too early. Plus the cheaper tests don’t usually detect an hgc level until it’s quite high which in your case it wouldn’t be high yet. Try not to test again until actual test date as I’ve done this in the past and it’s not worth it as it can make you have a negative mind which is not good. Stay strong and positive and try and hold out until test day. Lots of luck xxxx 💗
Thank you! I think I stupidly read stories of ladies getting positives at 5 days but they just be the exception to the rule as my research is showing that hcg doesn't even start being produced until 6 days past the transfer. I will just hold off now I think. Thank you once again xxx
Too early! Some people do get a positive at 5dp but lots don’t and go onto get a BFP later on so try not to worry, you’re not out!
I always test early so I’m not going to give you crap and tell you to wait but if you are going to test early, use a first response early test and do it first thing in the morning. Good luck!x
I tested about 5/6 days in after FET and got a BFN then on OTD an BFP! I’ll be hoping the same for you! X