I caved! Our OTD is day 15, but I was struggling this time and I tested this morning 11dpt and it was BFN. I will continue with the cyclogest of course and test again on OTD before phoning the clinic, but at least we can start getting our head around the news and preparing for the 2nd cycle of our process. The only people we know to do IVF got pregnant on transfer 1 and 2 so being 4 transfers in and moving to cycle 2 is a tough pill to swallow.
11dp5dt Negative Test: I caved! Our OTD... - Fertility Network UK
11dp5dt Negative Test

So sorry to hear that, was waiting for your update and was hoping for some good news.
I think we might be able to go through this together! We are on our first cycle (nhs), first embryo was a mmc. Second fet failed on Tuesday (OTD was Thursday but I started bleeding so I tested on Tuesday and it was negative). We have one frozen left and then we will have to switch to private. I have a separate post and a couple of people have advised of some questions to ask at follow up so that might be helpful for you to? I’m sorry you are going through this
Thank you I will take a look! I know it varies in different places, but I thought it was 3 cycles vs 3 transfers which we didn't realise in the beginning. Do you just get the 1 NHS cycle where you are? That must be so hard factoring in the financial element on top of everything else. I will have everything crossed for your last FET!
For some of us it takes a bit longer 😔. I had to have 5 ER and 6 transfers to get lucky. Wishing you the best🤞🏼
Thank you! Being on this forum has definitely helped me - so many people seem to have had success nearer transfer 5-6 so here's hoping we're not toooo far off our lucky embryo sticking! It just starts to play with your mind doesn't it, the not knowing whether it will happen for you.
Hello lovely,
Sorry to hear this one hasn't worked. It's heartbreaking.
I was lucky with number 6 - it sometimes just takes a bit of perseverance. (my best friend got pregnant on her first try twice...... I know how you feel!)
Thank you for sharing this, it genuinely helps keep my hopes up! That must have been so tough. It's always harder when it's your friends too as there's this strange war of feeling so happy for them but also wanting it to happen for yourself so badly. I'm so glad that you got your sticky embryo 💜
I really clung to these stories when I was in the thick of it - there was one lady in particular who had her first positive on her 8th transfer so I kept thinking - I can do this...
Yes it's rough when others seemingly have it so easy but I try to remind myself that this is the hand I have been dealt and there's no point getting too upset. Although that is much easier said than done! Really hoping you get your little bean soon! xx
Transfer number 7 for me. I was starting to think what if it doesn’t work….
As tough as it is to go through in the moment, knowing others have been here and had success makes a big difference. Thank you!
This is exactly how I felt. I needed to hear others stories of getting there in the end, hard as it is to think how long it sometimes takes. Sending you a ton of positive vibes
Thank you, I so appreciate it! Here's hoping cycle 2 brings us some luck! It looks like we will have a medic review and then a nurse appointment first so they think we'll be into 2025 before we start again. They are amazing and are doing all they can, but time slipping by is what I really struggle with.
I had 3 blasts cycle 1 and 7 cycle 2 (DE). I found the unexplained label hard as nothing to fix. Adding prednisolone and clexane to modified natural was what worked for me.
That's so interesting, I have been wondering about an immune protocol as I read a little bit about NK cells. As much as I want to move forward swiftly I am glad of the medic review to discuss any additional options we have to try. I completely agree with the unexplained label. It's so tough not knowing what the real problem is.
My clinic didn’t advocate the ERA EMMA ALICE tests. So just added in the protocol without the expense of the tests. When you look at odds of natural pregnancy and what had to align though it’s no wonder it’s sometimes a bit of a tough journey. I also had HCG wash and uterine contractions an and before the last few transfers.
Do you mind me asking that was via NHS or if you were private?
Private in Spain
Thank you for sharing! I am planning to ask a little more around additional tests and/or additions to our protocol, I'm not sure if some of those fall outside of NHS funding, which is fine - I am happy to pay. I think the medic review will actually be a really good chance for us to get some additional info and options hopefully! Wishing you a smooth delivery with your little one!