Hi just checked with gp... My blood results came positive.... 1512 hcg.. But she says that we also nee dto do a thyroid check n double the dosage of thyroxine!!! Does anyone with thyroid gone through same? Any experiences? Help....
FET... Positive blood results... Thyr... - Fertility Network UK
FET... Positive blood results... Thyroid... Anyone has same condition

Congratulations that’s wonderful news. 😃😃Did you not get your thyroid checked before you started ivf. 1512 is a good number seems quite high considering you had transfer on the 9th. Did you have 2 embryos put back in? xxxx
Hi yes I have checked by thyroid in Jan 2020... That's when I statrted my (50mg)levothyroxine it's 4.2...i had 4 frozen embryos out of which 1 is transferred n other 3 are freezed.... I had a fresh cycle before this in March which is unsuccessful.... Thanks...
You usually require to up your dose of thyroxine in pregnancy so completely normal! Congrats on the good results.xx
Hi, Congratulations! I've been told that I'll need my TSH monitored in pregnancy (if I'm successful) as it's often affected and my medication will be adjusted accordingly. There's some helpful information on the following website which may help:
Hi, were you already on levothyroxine before your transfer? I have thyroid issues too
Hi yes had a mc in March 2019 at 11 weeks with undiagnosed thyroid... I didn't know it until Jan 2020...so started in Jan 2020 that's when I started my ivf process...
I am not a doc but I also have hypothyroidism. What the advice is on website s is to increase your dose of levothyroxine by 30% straight away to avoid another miscarriage
You should also do a new Thyroid function tests asap
My doc said to double it... She is a gp... I think I shld ask my fertility specialist I guess... Thanks love
Hi... Done waiting for results....
Have you just done TSH test or also antibodies?
Congratulations! I have hashimoto and my tsh was close to the upper normal limit (around 4). The fertility specialised endocrinologist put me on minimum dose levothyroxine before starting ivf, to get the tsh below 2.5; it took around 6 weeks. I was told to monitor tsh and other thyroid markers every 6 weeks after becoming pregnant. They did not advise to change the dose without monitoring. My tsh further decreased during pregnancy, keeping the same dose. Good luck!
Hi, I don't have any experience with thyroid but just wanted to say huge congratulations and wish you a happy and healthy pregnancy xx

Thank you so much❤️❤️❤️💕