Feeling so alone in this journey. Try... - Fertility Network UK

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Feeling so alone in this journey. Trying for over 3 years, 3 cycles of IVF, up to 5th frozen transfer 7dp5dt. Never been pregnant before :(

cuddlz88 profile image
25 Replies

I have stage 4 endometriosis which I had surgery for in September and they removed 80% but my bladder and uterus are fused together by a nodule. Praying to God this transfer has worked but feeling deep down it hasn’t. There must be something wrong but I don’t know what. Feeling so helpless

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cuddlz88 profile image
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25 Replies
destiny121 profile image

I hope and pray this is your time.... and if it isn’t which I know is heart breaking.... then you will get your time very soon..... let’s be positive and hopefully this time round does work for you.... 😘😘😘

cuddlz88 profile image
cuddlz88 in reply to destiny121

Thankyou 😊 I just don’t know what to do if it doesn’t work. Feels like I am getting nowhere. My doctor put me on prednisone, clexane and aspirin this transfer because I asked her about possible natural killer cells being an issue. I don’t know if I have them, she was meant to test for them during my surgery but never did. I guess maybe I will look into seeing a reproductive immunologist maybe as the next step as I can’t keep doing the same thing with the same result time and time again. It shouldn’t have to be this hard

Ivf2020A profile image

Hi 👋 I just wanted to say that your not alone, and im sending you all the luck in the world to get what you want. I am also in a dark place and the ladies on here have been so kind to me, so come on here and vent and feel like you want to and know your not alone x

cuddlz88 profile image
cuddlz88 in reply to Ivf2020A

Thankyou :) I don’t have anyone else going through the same thing as me that I know and the ones I did have all got pregnant. It makes me feel so left behind and isolated 😞

Ivf2020A profile image
Ivf2020A in reply to cuddlz88

I know exactly how you feel people who got married before me after me nieces the lot all had babies etc, also in my community you just dont talk about these things except the nosy ppl who gossip why doesn’t she have kids or just make u feel worthless because u dont , so I really do hear you

cuddlz88 profile image
cuddlz88 in reply to Ivf2020A

That’s hard if you can’t talk to people about it. I talk to my family and husband but yea unless they’re in your shoes they just don’t get it

Faith103 profile image
Faith103 in reply to cuddlz88

I feel like this I have stage 4 endo and I had surgery last sept. I too feel like I’m left behind and everyone gets their miracle and I’m still waiting. I wish you all the luck in the world xxxx

louladxb profile image

sending you lots of love darling, its an incredibly hard time and the waiting and already worrying about what the next steps could be is horrendous. You (we) will all have our turn one day, we just have to keep going as tough as it is. Your are not alone xx

cuddlz88 profile image
cuddlz88 in reply to louladxb

Thankyou. Best of luck to you

ttcemmie profile image

We're here for you! You're not alone. This "journey" does super suck and is completely unfair, though. I feel like everyone else around us (not on this forum, clearly) is just handed babies in all sorts of circumstances, and then we have to go through all this sh*t to even have the chance at a baby. Best of best of best of luck for this transfer. Sending lots of love. xxx

cuddlz88 profile image
cuddlz88 in reply to ttcemmie

Thankyou :) yea it seems like so many people get it so easy and complain when they don’t realise how lucky they are and how easy they have it

Core profile image

I got pregnant with my 5th transfer, unfortunately it didn’t work out but it was the first time I’d ever seen those 2 lines in 4years of ttc. Hope this can give you some hope and best of luck for the rest of the 2ww xx

cuddlz88 profile image
cuddlz88 in reply to Core

So sorry it didn’t work out for you 😢 I hope we both get to see those two lines soon

LizzieBW profile image

Hi cuddlz88

I also have endometriosis, had previous surgery and have been unable to get pregnant since January 2016. We were due to start ivf last month until clinics closed down so I know it's only the beginning of the journey for us but mentally pregnancy is something that feels unattainable now for me so I wanted to say I feel similarly and you're not alone. I can only imagine it's natural to feel like your transfer hasn't worked because it's all you have experienced so far and the fear of hoping & more disappointment must be beyond tough. I know it's such an annoying saying sometimes but it only takes 1 embryo and 1 success for a healthy baby so this could be your turn!! Really hope it works out well for you xx

cuddlz88 profile image
cuddlz88 in reply to LizzieBW

Thankyou so much. Wishing you the best of luck with IVF and that you get results quickly. My body is giving me signs that my period will come so I think I am out again 😩 but I will remain hopeful regardless until I test. I got my best quality embryo with this transfer so I was more hopeful with this one than previous ones but it seems to tell me something else is wrong

Aussie83 profile image

I understand exactly how you feel, we all do. It’s so incredibly unfair that some people have it so easy and we have it so hard.

Unfortunately no-one can truly understand unless they’ve been/are in our shoes.. We all do though & we can be there for each other. You have to believe your luck will change one day soon because it will x

cuddlz88 profile image
cuddlz88 in reply to Aussie83

Thankyou. I really hope so. Best of luck to you too xx

Kyra-J profile image

Hi I’m sorry to hear, and wishing you you prayed for baby. I just wanted to ask how did you find out your endometriosis has come back or got worse? I had a lap in 2016 and starting my journey again. Will it likely show up on a scan?

cuddlz88 profile image
cuddlz88 in reply to Kyra-J

Thankyou. I didn’t know I had endo, it was only through diagnostic surgery for infertility that it was discovered. My endo is silent endo as I don’t get the symptoms. The only thing I get is bloating but I think that is in relation to certain foods I’m intolerant of. I had 2 rounds of IVF before the surgery and none of my ultrasounds or scans or hycosy ever showed any sign of endo so when they found I had stage 4 it was a big shock. My doctor said it was bad and the surgery took a lot longer than anticipated trying to remove it all. She was only able to laser away 80% of it. There was a big nodule that has fused my bladder and uterus together. She said if I got pregnant that could potentially resolve itself but if not then surgery to separate them might be on the cards, I hope not. Usually the only way they can diagnose endo is through lap surgery as it doesn’t generally show up on scans but my friend has it and they can see it on scans so I guess it depends where the endo is. Wishing you the best of luck x

Littlepeax profile image

Huge good luck to you ♥️💫 I know how you feel, I've been ttc for over 5 years now, endo is the enemy. Please try and remain positive and hopeful as I really think this can and will increase your chances. Believe it CAN happen to you. Do you have any frozen embryos? My last FET resulted in a chemical and I thought it was impossible for me, this gave me some hope, don't give up xxx

cuddlz88 profile image
cuddlz88 in reply to Littlepeax

I don’t have any frozen embryos left after this current FET :( starting to get the feeling like my period is around the corner 😢 trying to stay hopeful but it is hard

Littlepeax profile image
Littlepeax in reply to cuddlz88

It can sometimes feel like your period is coming 🤞♥️ when is your test day xxx

cuddlz88 profile image
cuddlz88 in reply to Littlepeax

Saturday but I’m pretty sure I already know the answer

F_J_762301 profile image

Hey..sending lots of luck and positive thoughts! This journey is rubbish and i truly believe nobody else fully understands what its like except the ladies who have been through it. I know how it feels to be so down and have nothing left to give, so know you are noy alone! In our 7th year ttc now, 2 ivfs, 1 mmc, 3 frozen embryos left. Dont give up! Xxx

cuddlz88 profile image
cuddlz88 in reply to F_J_762301

Thankyou xxx

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