Miscarriage 1 month ago - starting tr... - Fertility Network UK

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Miscarriage 1 month ago - starting treatment in June - is it too soon?

Catlady12345 profile image
9 Replies

Hi lovely ladies,

I hope you’re all keeping well? I’ve been given the green light by my clinic to start my frozen transfer in June 😊 however, I fell pregnant on my first IVF attempt in March this year which ended in a missed miscarriage. I found out on 30th March the baby hadn’t made it, but didn’t miscarry until 3 weeks later (22nd April) and I’ve only just had my first period.

My question is, is it too soon for me to start again (I feel mentally fine) and I’m excited but naturally really nervous. Is my body going to be better waiting another month or two?

My clinic seemed happy enough with me to start in June, so I’m assuming it’s ok but I wondered what you all thought?

Also, I’ve never had a frozen transfer so wondering whether to go medicated or natural?

Thanks for your help!! Xx

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Catlady12345 profile image
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9 Replies
CLDxxx profile image

Hey lovely. So sorry for your loss. It’s really tough. 💕

I would suggest waiting one more period if you can. I had a MC in October and was due to have a FET in Dec but I then had fluid on my endometrium which they think could have been related to the D&C I had.

It’s completely your choice of course and I understand you wanting to move forward - that’s how I felt too but might just be better to have another period and if you do a natural FET thats only another month away as it happens so quickly!

When they found the fluid I was referred for a hysteroscopy and my gynaecologist told me trying for a FET was too soon after the MC and she also suggested I have a natural FET too as my lining hadn’t responded to the meds previously. Since then I have done natural ones - no success story yet but my body has reacted better.

Wishing you all the luck lovely 😊 xxx

Sarah83ap profile image

Hey, I had an ectopic in March and the clinic gave me the green light to start beginning of June. I questioned if that was to early so I called my GP and I called the clinic back and said just to confirm and they said it was fine as I would of have two cycles. My GP also said it was fine. I’m also kinda hoping that the whole ‘your more fertile after being pregnant’ might be true so I’m going with it. Start injections tomorrow!🤞🏼

Sorry about your miscarriage. I had one after my first IVF and my clinic suggested waiting two periods. It felt like a long wait. I also had a medicated FET but this is because I’m not that regular x

MrsH86 profile image


I’m sorry for your loss but it’s good to hear you are in a good place mentally for starting again.

I did an FET after my 1st post mc period, the clinic were happy to go ahead so I trusted their judgement, they also recommended a natural FET so I went with that too, it meant I had my period 23rd dec and transferred on 11th jan so all happened quite quickly.

I’m very grateful that it worked. Sending positive vibes your next FET is a BFP ♥️🤞 x

ttcemmie profile image

Hi love. So sorry for your loss. I don't know what is better for your body. I have had a fresh IVF round ON my next period after a miscarriage and didn't get pregnant, but also have had a frozen transfer and a fresh transfer after then and not get pregnant, so is my body just never ready?! If your clinic is happy with it, I don't have any further medical knowledge to help you with. Me - I prefer to get going on things right away. Do whatever you're comfortable with. x

Twiglet2 profile image

Hi catlady I was about to do the same as you in March after miscarriage in Feb. Clinic was fine with the one period in between (and they are pretty strict about everything) I was going to do a natural FET though to give my body a rest from the drugs but apparently the chances right after miscarriage are higher so was hoping for that too... only reason it got cancelled last minute was corona virus so can’t tell you the outcome. Good luck 🤗 xx

Kikiwaits profile image

I had a D&C after an 11 week loss at the end of September last year. Started another cycle in October, but I had to stay on the pill for a while because the first available transfer date was Dec 11th. I’m 26 weeks now. I had waited three months after an earlier loss in March to conceive the second lost baby and everything was pretty much the same that cycle. I’ve never had trouble with lining thickness, so that wasn’t a factor for timing. I did have a hysteroscopy following the D&C to make sure there wasn’t any scarring.

Catlady12345 profile image

Hi everyone, thought I’d reply to my own message as I’ve spoken with the clinic this morning and they have completely put my mind at ease. I’m going ahead in June! I’m going to have a natural FET to see if that works. Thank you for all of your advice and experiences xx

Faith103 profile image
Faith103 in reply to Catlady12345


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