I was just curious as to whether other people have taken antidepressants or SSRI’s during fertility treatment. I have a long standing history of anxiety and depression and came off my medication about a year and a half ago in preparation for fertility treatment. I’ve had two failed attempts plus a lot of other stresses since then and I’m now at a point where my anxiety is at an all time high and day to day life is becoming hard as well as being on high alert all the time. If our last IUI doesn’t work then we will be moving to ivf but at present I feel it would be pointless trying again when I feel so rubbish in myself! I am waiting to speak to my GP but when I asked my fertility clinic about whether it was safe to take my old medication during treatment they said this was fine and there were no issues. Some research online seems to go along with this but then there is some that states it reduces fertility or raises the risk of birth defects etc. Any perspectives from anyone would be greatly appreciated!
Thank you in advance!