I had my little miracle in December after a 2.5 year battle with infertility, low AMH, Adenomyosis and being older (I’m now 41). We had a fresh cycle (m/c) and frozen ivf cycle (baby!) My periods started again back in March regular as clockwork and this month found myself 5 days late....absolutely stunned to see a positive on the test!😱 I’m still in shock, it’s very early days but I can’t believe it! I had friends who caught on after ivf but given the odds against me I never thought it would happen-or how it’s happened tbh between the sleepless nights and exhaustion I’m not sure when we have found the time to babymake 🙈! I’m fluctuating between being absolutely delighted to absolute panic as this will mean only a 13 month gap between babies plus I had an emergency c-sec delivery followed by infection so I have concerns about rupturing etc!
Has this happened to anyone else?!