Has anyone transfered two same qaulit... - Fertility Network UK

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Has anyone transfered two same qaulity embryo's??

62 Replies

Has anyone transfered two same qaulity embryo's and got pregnant?

62 Replies
Solly-44 profile image

I transferred 2 4BB embryos and am currently pregnant with 1 baby.

We previously had 2 transfers of higher grade single embryos but neither stuck. My understanding is that if you transfer 2 same quality your odds of success are higher than if the grades vary too much x

in reply to Solly-44

That's what I found to.. do you know why that is? And Congratulations x

KiboXX profile image
KiboXX in reply to

There is some research to say that the lower quality embryo comprises the chances of the better quality one so it actually lowers the overall chance of pregnancy compared to if you just transferred the single better quality embryo x

in reply to KiboXX

Hey, yea I think that to I'm so tempted to not transfer 5ab and to transfer two 5bbs instead.

Where did you find this research? X

KiboXX profile image
KiboXX in reply to

I’ve put the link below. I would definitely discuss it with your doctor but as someone who’s had three double transfers (mc, bfn, bfn) I’m not a fan. I’m 19 weeks from my only ever single transfer. If you have a good quality embryo, I would always go with that as a single first x

in reply to KiboXX

What grades were your embryo's? X

KiboXX profile image
KiboXX in reply to

This is a useful link, explains it a bit better than I did!


in reply to KiboXX

Thankyou x

in reply to Solly-44

We got 5ab and three 5bbs left in freezer I'm thinking of transferring two this time. X

Solly-44 profile image
Solly-44 in reply to

I think they would be considered similar enough quality to transfer an AB & BB at the same time if you wanted, but if not 5BB’s are brilliant grades anyway. So you could go 2 of those if concerned. I know there are women on here who have had success with transferring 2 different grades and mine have tended to change grade slightly when thawing anyway.

It’s a big decision so huge luck to you whatever you go with. xx

ClaudiaS profile image
ClaudiaS in reply to Solly-44

The quality of embryos at day 3 is not so important as the quality at day 5! I had 2 grade II embryos at day 3 and at day 5 the embryos became AB blastocysts ! The embryologist explains that alot of embryos fix problems when they change to blastocyst and only at that stage you can have a foul image of the quality !!!

Suzy86 profile image

I’ve previously transferred a 5AA and then a 4AA, both as single and both failed. I transferred a 5AB and a 4AA together this time and having 1 baby. I think it’s entirely up to you and what your clinic will allow. I had to really push for a double transfer as they really didn’t want me to but I’m so glad I did.

Sorax profile image

I had two in and now pregnant with one I can’t remember what grade they was 🤦🏽‍♀️ but I didn’t ask for two they thought it was for the best x

Franco81 profile image

I had a 5AB and a 5BA transferred and had a successful twin pregnancy.

Good luck with whatever you decide to do xx

in reply to Franco81

Hey can I ask how old are you if you don't mind me asking? I ask because I'm 37 when I had egg collection would the qaulity not be as good as some one who is younger.. congratulations btw xx

Franco81 profile image
Franco81 in reply to

Ah thank you.

I had two fresh cycles where I only had one (grade 5AB both times) transferred but BFN both times and no Frosties.

They then allowed us to transfer two on the third cycle considering our previous negative results, I was 37 during treatment and 38 by the time I had them so same age as you xx

in reply to Franco81

Oh ok what grades were they? Xx

Franco81 profile image
Franco81 in reply to

They were a 5AB and a 4BA x

Ivf2020A profile image
Ivf2020A in reply to Franco81

May i ask a question do you have a link to where all the gradings are so i can get to know wat they all mean. I haven’t started my treatment yet

Franco81 profile image
Franco81 in reply to Ivf2020A

I’m afraid I don’t have a link but I think I’ve seen it somewhere here before (sorry not sure where!) although some clinics grade slightly differently to others.

In my clinic the number is how developed the blastocyst is so 1 is an early blastocyst and as it expands the number goes up with 6 being a hatching blastocyst. The first letter is the grade of the part that becomes the baby and the second letter is the grade of the part that becomes the placenta with A being the top grade. It’s all a bit of a roulette though as even with ‘top grade’ embryos my first two cycles failed and I know some ladies who had success with embryos that had been graded lower.

May be worth asking your clinic how they do their grading x

Ivf2020A profile image
Ivf2020A in reply to Franco81

Oh thats great bit of info thank you , its hard to be in touch with my nhs clinic is part of the hospital and its closed xx

sandra81 profile image
sandra81 in reply to

I used donor eggs from a 36 year old donor. They transfered 3 i dont the quality but i had a successiful twin pregnancy and two embryos in freezer

Girls, sorry maybe not relevant to the question, but are you allowed to transfer two? (Uk based under 40?)

KiboXX profile image
KiboXX in reply to

Yes, I’m in the UK, under 40 and I’ve had 3 x double transfers x

in reply to KiboXX

Hi kibo mommy thanks. Hope you both are doing fine x Not that i have two embryos in the pocket but do one need to hve a reason to transfer 2 because my nhs clinic didnt even want to discuss transfer two x sorry if i sound greedy x

KiboXX profile image
KiboXX in reply to

No doesn’t sound greedy! You are only allowed to do a single transfer on the NHS. Private treatment will allow you to do two but most still recommend only one if it’s a good quality embryo x

in reply to KiboXX

Okido that make sense i suppose! Xxx

Solly-44 profile image
Solly-44 in reply to KiboXX

You can definitely do a double transfers on the NHS, I had one! x

KiboXX profile image
KiboXX in reply to Solly-44

Oh really? We don’t have any NHS funding where I live (Cambs) but both my friends who live in different counties where there is funding (Beds and Herts) were allowed single embryo transfer only! x

Franco81 profile image
Franco81 in reply to

I think clinics have to be seen to reduce the risk of twin/multiples pregnancy so will only transfer more than one embryo if the quality doesn’t look so good or you have had multiple failed cycles previously I think. I was never allowed to opt for more than one embryo at transfer on my first two cycles x

Solly-44 profile image
Solly-44 in reply to Franco81

Yep same - I wasn’t allowed until we had 2 failed transfers as the embryos were decent quality x

Hope4040 profile image

Yes I transferred 2 4BB embryos and 11 weeks pregnant with twins x

in reply to Hope4040

Congratulations! What meds were you on? X

Hope4040 profile image
Hope4040 in reply to

Gonal f 225 and menopur 150 x

in reply to Hope4040

Ok what about progesterone? X

Hope4040 profile image
Hope4040 in reply to

800mg of cyclogest x

DGmusic80 profile image
DGmusic80 in reply to Hope4040

Me too!! Transferred 2 and twins!

Lucyhannah1 profile image

I’m 31 and I transferred 2 5AA frozen embryos and am pregnant with 1 xx

IJ13 profile image

Hi, we transferred 2 embryos, and am currently 13 weeks pregnant with twins! I'm afraid I don't remember exactly what the grades of the embryos were - but, as I'm 40, we were advised to transfer two... so... twins arriving in Nov!

DGmusic80 profile image
DGmusic80 in reply to IJ13

I have twins too!! A year and a half now. Congrats!! It’s a crazy life change but amazing experience.

Hope4040 profile image
Hope4040 in reply to DGmusic80

We’re they any particular books you read or courses you did before they arrived? Any tips appreciated xx

Hope4040 profile image
Hope4040 in reply to IJ13

Ditto! They said the same as I’m turning 40 to transfer 2. I’m not too far behind you and have a due date of Nov. How have you been feeling? Xx

DGmusic80 profile image

I transferred 2 same quality embryos and we now have twins. They told me by transferring 2 of them I had a 25% shot of having twins 50% of having singe and 25% of none taking. I transferred the 2 and they both stuck!🙂Our lives have been so different the last year and a half. Good luck! 🙏🏼If you don’t mind the possibility of both potentially taking...go for it!!

Goyjung profile image


I have been told there not allow to put more than 1 embryo due to UK regulations (something like that) but how come most of you guys be able to?

Ranchu90 profile image
Ranchu90 in reply to Goyjung

At 27 years old NHS transferred 2 embryos for me as well, they actually said we will transfer 2 and didn’t even ask me if I agree or not 😊

in reply to Goyjung

Not true - I’ve had 3 embryos transferred twice and 2 embryos transferred twice x

Twiglet2 profile image
Twiglet2 in reply to Goyjung

Mine said only allowed one on my first fresh cycle and I just went along with it -when it came to my first frozen cycle I pressed a bit harder and they got the head consultant to phone me. She said they can’t actually stop you doing a double transfer but I was doing it ‘against their advice’ because of risk of multiples. They said they wouldn’t normally do a double transfer until my 3rd go. I did a double transfer with similar graded embryos and I got pregnant for the first time ever after years of trying (miscarried though but furthest we’ve ever made it!). Press a little harder if it’s something you would want to consider, you can change your mind right up until nearer the time anyway depending on how the cycle goes xx

Hope4040 profile image
Hope4040 in reply to Goyjung

When I was doing a funded round though the UK last year they wouldn’t allow more than a single transfer so I understand what your saying. We’ve since gone privately abroad and the consultant actually recommending transferring 2 x

Goyjung profile image

Thank you guys for your replied.

I pregnant naturally just a month b4 starting ivf then miscarried. Had 1cycle failed nhs funding with no embryo left. This will be my 2nd cycle with private clinic. I am 38 in Nov. What is the good reason to push them allowing me to transfer 2 back in?

Hope4040 profile image
Hope4040 in reply to Goyjung

You shouldn’t have to push them if it’s a private clinic x

Hope4040 profile image
Hope4040 in reply to Goyjung

If they really won’t and you do want to transfer 2 then maybe you should look at changing clinics?

LittleMermaid1 profile image

Hi, we transferred a 4AA and a 2AA on the advice of our amazing embryologist (I’m 41yo so he was happy to do the double transfer). I also have another 2AA which has been frozen.

I gave birth to 2 healthy twin girls 2 weeks ago 💗💗

Wishing you the very best of luck xx

Goyjung profile image

We cannot considering for another private clinic as this is the cheapest one. Not sure if you heard of abc IVF. If you meet their criteria you can paid almost half price compare to the rest.

Kikiwaits profile image

I transferred two 5AB blasts, got pregnant with a singleton and miscarried at 11 weeks. The pregnancy before that was a single 5AB blast that ended at 6 weeks. Currently 24 weeks with another single 5AB. I just couldn’t face losing two at once again.

in reply to Kikiwaits

That is so true.. didn't think of it like that 😐

in reply to Kikiwaits

Congratulations 👍

Sarah_37 profile image

We transferred two grade Bs and had one baby x

patyfb04 profile image

I transferred 2 top graded embryos (same grade but I don't remember now the grade) and both stuck, now I'm waiting my twin boys! I was 39 when I did the transfer.

in reply to patyfb04

Wow congratulations! Good to know... Where did you have your treatment?

patyfb04 profile image
patyfb04 in reply to

I live in Canada I did the treatment in a Hospital here (McGill)

in reply to patyfb04

Wow Canada! Heard good things about Canada me and hubby want to take our future kids there one day to visit 💖

UnicornKisses profile image

Hi, we had two transferred, they were both high quality day 3 embryos (I have never produced enough eggs/embryos to freeze or wait till day 5 & grading). I am currently 10 weeks pregnant with one baby! Best of luck to you ❤️

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