Sorry just me I tested today at 11 days post transfer using a first reponse and got a BFN. Whats the likelyhood of it changing? My offical test day is friday. Ive had cramping, hot sweats and no bleeding. X
False negative! : Sorry just me again... - Fertility Network UK
False negative!
You still have 2-3 days for things to change 🤞🏻 sometimes it takes people longer for their HGC level to change and show xx
My honest opinion is that it’s unlikely to change at 11dpt and that late implanters don’t progress as well but it is possible and has happened for some women. If you’re taking progesterone it can sometimes prevent you from bleeding too. Wishing you the best for your OTD...x
Hi Starry, sorry should have been clearer. My understanding is that usually an embryo implants anywhere from between day 1 to day 7 after a 5 day transfer. The HCG hormone is then produced which is what a pregnancy test looks for. By day 9 this is usually detectable. If a test doesn’t detect this by day 11 then it’s likely that the embryo hasn’t implanted or that it implanted late which is why levels are low, which isn’t always a great sign in terms of a pregnancy progressing. If women do get a positive at day 12 they usually didn’t test early and get a negative result earlier. However there are women whose results do change, so there is hope but as you asked for honest opinions I thought I’d be realistic with you. Fingers crossed for you...x
Thank you. I know realistically todays test was properly right but then the clinc wouldnt tell you 14 days for nothing. Im clutching at straws, appreciate the honesty huni x
Hi Start. My OTD is Friday & I also got BFN on frer. Sorry you are going through this. Yesterday was hard, I broke down (been strong for a week of BFN) but felt much better after crying (a lot) and getting done of my silly fears out to my hubby. I’m almost certain I’m out given what I’ve read on this forum. I’m not bleeding either but I guess it’s the progesterone. Can’t wait to stop. Sending you virtual love. You are strong and brave going through this don’t ever forget that xxxx
Don't lose hope...xx crying is good...helps a lot! Weirdly 1st BFN didn't bleed had one embie transferred 2nd BFN had 2 frosty embies transferred bled morning of testing 3rd BFN had last 2 frosties transferred bled 5 days earlier. 4th transfer thought clearly i can't handle 2 at a time...egg quality was better and did a BFP. There's always hope. Just hoping it stays and sticks xx don't give up xxx
It’s soo soo hard I had a BFN on day 10 and OTD was yesterday (Tuesday) and another BFN...totally heartbroken 😭 Read about many getting BFN followed by BFP days never give up hope!! All the best! xx
Hi Starry how did you get on? Still BFN for me today. It’s day 14 I called the clinic they asked me to keep taking meds and take a test again in 24 hours because I’m not bleeding 🙄 so annoying just prolonging the agony. I’ve known it’s not worked for at least a week. Review appointment Monday morning xxxx
Hey, im so sorry to hear that. Its day 1 of my cycle today. Sending love. X
Will you try again straight away? I have no idea how long they will want me to wait but have agreed with husband to try again as soon as I can. Mine was a natural fet so just progesterone after the transfer. Hopefully it won’t take long for my body to settle. Wishing you luck with whatever you decide xxx