Hi all, just wondering if anyone had luck with a minimal stimulation IVF protocol. We had a failed round in Jan/Feb and are about to start a new round with a new protocol. I haven’t been able to find much info on mini IVF so was just curious to hear what other’s experiences were ❤️
Mini Stim IVF: Hi all, just wondering... - Fertility Network UK
Mini Stim IVF

I am considering the same.... and would also like to hear from others....
I have low ovarian reserve and for my first round they threw the kitchen sink at it, max doses and my body didn’t like it at all, only got 2 eggs, both immature, over before it began. ‘Poor responder’
For my next round I changed clinic and we did low dose /mini IVF. The idea is rather than a ‘full takeover’ of my system (as per round 1), we skipped down regulation and worked with my body’s own rhythm for the stims, gently encouraging it to do what it’s already capable of doing. The result was 9 follicles, 7 mature, 5 fertilized, 5 made to day 3, 3made yo day 5 for testing.
I must also add that in between The two rounds I did an anti inflammatory ‘fertility diet’ which I think also helped!
So it’s a big thumbs up for mini IVF from me!
Hi WinnieM, would you be kind to share your fertility diet if that's okay. xxx
It’s basically cutting out toxins and inflammatory foods, and eating lots of anti-inflammatory foods.
...as best you can, without stressing too much 🙂
So cutting alcohol, caffeine, sugar, gluten & dairy (& fun...LOL)
And eating lots of...
Vegetables (5-10 a day), eat the rainbow but especially greens like broccoli, peas, spinach, kale, chard 🥦
Onions & garlic good too.
Fruits (mainly berries)
Nuts & seeds
(For bfast I have GF oats with oat/coconut/almond milk and top with berries, nuts and seeds which ticks this off for the day)
Oily fish at least twice a week
Lentils & beans...i find this hard so eat hummus and occasionally daal!
2 eggs a day egg 🍳
Avocado 🥑
Loads of Water 💦 (non caffeine herbal tea like mint & camomile ok too plus I have hot water with lemon and sometimes fresh ginger each morning )
Sweet potato, rice, potato, quinoa = fine
Bread, cake, pastries, sweets, pasta, fried food etc = not good
Buy organic where poss, wash well if not.
-Pre natal with folate
-Omega 3/EPA/DHA (all same thing really)
-Vit D
Try and replace all plastics with glass ( replace plastic water bottle, Tupperware etc)
Always decanter into ceramic or glass before microwaving (don’t microwave plastic)
Basically plastic is an endocrine disrupter and can affect your hormones.
Use non toxic cleaning products, toiletries & make up
Excercise gently, yoga, walks etc. No HIIT, F45 and suchlike!
Don’t mean to overwhelm!! Just brainspill!
Hey! I am 44 and have been through 5 cycles of egg harvesting. With the very first cycle the best and on minimal stims. I got 6 follicles, 5 eggs and 3 good embryos in the freeze. I took Progenova for 5 days from day 21. Then started on 375 iu of Menopur and had 4 injections then triggered on day 10. I have just started my 5th cycle, on high dose of daily injections of fostimon and Meriofert and have just had to abandon the cycle. My body didn’t respond at all. So the mini stims has been much better for my body.
Yes i did, unfortunately it didnt stick this time but had a great cycle. I had 2 dominent follicles and they got both eggs, resulted in a top grade embryo x
I only have 5 follicles and my left ovary was sleeping, so they were working just with the right one. I had very low dose menopur, then cetrotide and trigger shot and that was it. Cycle was a breeze to get through x
I’m sorry it didn’t stick for you, thank you for sharing your experience. Best of luck to you in the future ❤️
Actually i just went to chuck the test in the bin i did earlier, there is a faint line 😬, so now im not sure lol xx
Ahhhh don’t give up hope!! I hope it’s for real!
Just spent a shit load on dhea for the next round 🤣🤣🙈. Its prob an evap maybe xx