Morning ladies
So as of today isn’t fraught enough I woke up with one of my cats having caught a blackbird and brought it to my bedside 😳. It’s still alive thank goodness but I’m waiting for my Dad to come over and sort it as I just can’t deal with that stress! Keep trying not to think it could be a sign or whether it’s a good or bad sign lol
But I am relieved that my one fertilised egg has made it to day 3. Clinic called to say it’s got 5 cells but only graded to a 3 as there is some fragmentation. Still I’m holding on to the hope that this little embryo could be a fighter as it was the only one out of 10 eggs that’s made it this far.
Transfer is at 1.15 today.
Good luck to Daisy1245 and BizzleBee and anyone else having a transfer today.
Lots of love 💕 xxx