Hi, I’ve just had a nice early morning call. The embryologist has called, our 2 little embies are really good with an 8 cell and 11 cell. The only thing is they want to transfer today, day 3 instead of day 5 as there are only two and due to my age! It’s their policy and although we could go against their advice we’re to scared to in case we lose them! So transfer at midday 😄 they are putting both back. anyone else had this situation? I read day 5 is a higher chance of success. X
Transfer day! : Hi, I’ve just had a... - Fertility Network UK
Transfer day!

Hello! This sounds really positive to me. You are a better incubator than the lab and if they’d be putting them back in at 5 days there is now no benefit for them being in the lab. The lab is to watch them to select the best embryo which they have done. Very exciting I hope it all goes really well for you xxx
Hi Elizabeth86, thank you for that info. I had just read that it was to help pick the best so as you say they’ve done that for us and we’re having both in. Having both makes me feel better and I don’t mind twins!! Being 39!! X
Best of luck with your ET today. I’ve always had a day three transfer due to low embryo numbers. Best place for them is back in your uterus 🤞🏻🤞🏻xx
Good luck for today lovely have everything crossed for you xxxx
Hi gemmy, that's great to hear your two are still growing strong. It's a tough call on the transfer, I would just go with your instinct. We only went to 5 as we've had several miscarriages and I just wanted to cut out a tiny bit of uncertainty at the start of the 2ww. I hope the transfer goes well for you. They will show them on the screen before they go in which is amazing
Thanks for your thoughts. We can’t really go wrong by going with their advice I guess. First time, not sure it gets any easier from reading on here! So nervous. Hope we can get a picture. X
The doctor and nurses will do all they can to help with your nerves and the procedure only takes about 5 minutes. It helped me to look at the ultrasound while the procedure was happening rather than concentrate on what the doctor was doing at the other end! x
The only reason that day 5 embryos "have better success" is they have picked they have picked the front runner to put back from a bundle....they don't actually have a better chance from being transferred on day 5. Trust in your body too look after these two in their natural environment and don't worry, your clinic is doing the right thing. Wishing you luck and hope transfer goes Well!xx
No advice just wishing you good luck for the tww xx
I had a day 3 transfer on my second round of ivf as I only had 2 embies so they’d rather get them transferred as you’re the best place for them to be. Hope all goes well today and they get nice and settled into their new home xx
Good luck on 2ww xx
Thank you. Not looking forward to the wait xx
Just do whatever you normally do... do things that keep your mind occupied as it helps get through it at times! xx
Thank you. It’s hard cause the clinic don’t say to change anything but my gym is so full on I’ve decided not to go, which I’ll find hard! I’m going to walk instead. Xx
Yup but not to fast a pace that you can’t catch your breath! I was told not to do much of any exercise and struggled not to but it will help if your a gym bunny! 😁 xx
Trusting that your transfer went well and smoothly x
Yes thanks. What’s a strange and exciting experience. X
That’s great. Did you see your embies in the Uterine canal on the ultrasound? It’s a good experience. I got to see mine and I was given a print out picture of it. I will keep it for good memories x
Hiya how are you doing? Just wanted to say good luck hope you are ok xxx

Hi, thanks for asking. Not to bad thank you. Bit up and down, some days pains, some dizziness. Hoping it’s good signs but no idea. To scared to test! So get my bloods taking on Thursday. Results Thursday afternoon 🤞🏻 What a LONG journey. Xxx

How are you? Xx
It is isn't it. I think the waiting is worse than all the injections. We had egg collection on Monday 4 eggs but only 1 fertilised so we just have to stay positive and hope it's a tough little bugger 🤣 Fingers are crossed for you xxx

I saw your post 🙁 it’s so hard but try and stay positive. You only need the one so fingers crossed this little embie is that one 🤞🏻 sending positive vibes. Thank you Xxx