Just had my first ivf transfer! Feeling all the emotions at the min and don’t dare move lol This was a 5 day transfer which was almost at blastocyst stage. We had another 2 fertilised that are still developing. The Embryologist is going to ring later today to say if they are good enough for freezing. Really worried now that this could be our one on only chance!
Transfer day!! : Just had my first ivf... - Fertility Network UK
Transfer day!!

Best of luck hun sending lots of positivity and luck your way! And fingers crossed the other two go in the freezer 🤞🤞🤞🤞💕💕💕💕🥰🥰🥰🥰xxxx
Wishing ya the best of luck 🤩🤩🤩🤩🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
Rhinocat x
Ahhh me too! Just had mine done. Sending you lots of baby dust xx
Aww good luck! When is your test day? Mine is Monday 27th x
Mine is supposed to be 27th too but my clinic is in London and prefer to do a blood test so going to have to wait until 28th when I’m back there! X
Yeh mine is a blood test. They never mentioned a pregnancy test so guna try my hardest not to test early x
They said to me I could do a urine test on Sunday if I wanted to but they’d prefer me to wait! Really going to try and not test as well x
It’s so tempting isn’t it! How r u feeling after transfer? My husband won’t left me do anything lol! Iv took the rest of the week off work, so hes told me to relax lol! Feel fine yet so fragile x
Yeah I feel fine. It’s hard to shake that fragile feeling but I’d honestly try and keep yourself nice and occupied otherwise the next two weeks will be very long! Find a new series on Netflix and put your feet up 😘
Yeh that’s my plan, hubby is back at work tomorrow so at least I can do my own thing, with out him wrapping me up in cotton wool lol. Back to work for me on Saturday x
Haha, oh brill. I love a day at home without any bother 😂 enjoy!
Hi how are you? Any pains/ cramps? Iv got a slight achey cramp on my left side of stomach, n feel bloated. Don’t know if I’m just paranoid!
Bit crampy today! The clinic upped my progesterone yesterday so wondering if that’s the cause. Keep telling myself it’s too early to feel anything 🤪
I’m on progesterone-3 pessaries a day, never thought about that being the cause x
Hoping it all works out for you first time 🤞🏼🤞🏼. It all sounds positive x
Well done & good luck for your 2ww x
So exciting!! I am sending you lots of baby dust your way!!!! Xxx
Best of luck🤞🏼xx
Best of luck! Take it easy! X
Sending you baby dust. Good that the hubby is making you rest, take advantage and give him a list of housework to do!
I sneezed in the car on the way back after my transfer and immediately my husband and I looked at each other in shock and I said " well, b%^***ks, thats the end of that then" - it wasn't shes nearly two and asleep in her room!
Weird how you feel very delicate after transfer. I refused to get up off the bed straight after transfer aswell!
Wishing you the best of luck!! 🤞😊
Best of luck, sending positive vibes xxx
Have everything crossed for you love!!
Wish you all the luck for your 2 ww, I've got my transfer tomorrow so keeping everything crossed that all goes well
How did you transfer go today? Sending lots of luck your way x
They said the embryo survived 50% of the thaw and was just on borderline to use. The transfer went well, I did have some cramping on the drive home so I'm hoping that was good news as I'm sure I didn't have any cramping last time.
Now for the long 2ww
Best of luck my transfer is Saturday, fingers crossed
Good luck!! I’m going for egg retrieval on Monday. Baby dust to you xxx
Good luck to you. Lots of baby dust heading your way. After a number of transfers my advice would be to stay the hell away from google or you will go insane. Don’t do to much but don’t sit about either. Try not to dwell or think to much about every little niggle. You have come so far and if the little one is going to implant it will irrespective of whether you ate that chocolate biscuit or had that cup of green tea xxx