Hi, I’m going through second round of icsi currently, on course for egg collection Monday. On my first round I didn’t feel much in the sense of needles etc however this round my stomach is swollen and actually quite tender! Is this a good or bad sign? I literally feel completely different than round 1 and I am in a whirlwind of emotions where I am scared to even hope it works incase it doesn’t. How does everyone cope with the box mix of emotions as i really struggle with it! Xxx
Second round icsi: Hi, I’m going... - Fertility Network UK
Second round icsi

Hi sweetie.
My second cycle was so different to our first. I had no symptoms whatsoever during stims. I only ended up with 2 eggs and only one was mature and didn’t fertilise.
Second cycle they upped my menopur and I felt bloody awful for the whole duration of stims. I was tender, swollen, exhausted, full of wind etc. I got 8 eggs on the 2nd round 5 were mature and 4 fertilised. So it was a much much better response than the first go. So based on my experience I would say it’s a good sign!
Fingers crossed for you love. Xxxxx
Ps I don’t know how I coped. I don’t think I did. I was convinced it was going to work and I got so excited and then it didn’t work and I was brought back down with a bang. However, even with the benefit of hindsight I wouldn’t have changed a thing about my emotions. I felt what I felt and I can’t and don’t regret being excited and hopeful. So don’t worry too much about that. Just don’t bottle anything up. Talk about your feelings and emotions. Whether with hubby, family or us xxx
Hey, I’m going for EC on Monday too. It’s my first ICSI Cycle.
I’ve not dealt well with any of my meds. Suffered every since I started my nasals and then my injections- the side effects are nice.
I have a huge swollen tummy- I feel pregnant. I think it’s a good sign. Sign the meds are doing what they need to be. X
Good luck for Monday! I'm on my 2nd ivf cycle right now and I feel terrible this time around too. I'm about 10 or so days behind you, but already I feel super hormonal and my stomach hurts all the time. For me it usually means a lot of follicles, but I also think it is the stress and anxiety. My 1st cycle I was more relaxed and now I am overwhelmed with worry, since my last cycle I did not get the result I wanted. It's totally normal to feel that way, it's a lot to deal with let alone with all the medications / hormones!! Praying you get a good result 🙂