6wks3days red blood - UPDATE - Fertility Network UK

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6wks3days red blood - UPDATE

PenneyPots profile image
14 Replies

I had a huge gush of blood this morning, it was like I’d wet myself but with blood. (I feel too exhausted to apologise for TMI) And I passed a big clot amongst a lot more blood in the loo.

I’m really really not hopeful. It’s impossible to stay positive. I can’t have passed that much blood, no longer have sore boobs and pass a clot like that and still be pregnant.

I feel empty. And you have to stay strong with my South African husband. He’s being so positive and look on the bright side etc. “It would be too easy if it worked first time.”

Anyway, I’m not sure what I do now. Do I just call the clinic tomorrow and see what they say?

Also am I still eligible for help on the nhs because I’ve actually become pregnant? I feel like that might be a stupid question x

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14 Replies
ttcemmie profile image

Hi PenneyPots.... don't want to keep your hopes up unnecessarily, but I wouldn't say you're out until you know for sure. I have heard of people who have passed clots of blood and not lost the pregnancy. You should still be eligible on the NHS, depending on your area's rules. I had a MMC last year and had been also accepted on the NHS, and ended up starting my NHS round a few weeks after my miscarriage as the 6 month window they give you to uptake once being accepted was about to close! They tried to tell me that because I'd got pregnant then I wasn't eligible, but it turned out that would only have been if I'd got pregnant naturally.

Definitely call the clinic tomorrow and see what they say.

Sending lots of love in this confusing and stressful time. xxx

Picalilli99 profile image

I’m not sure about the NHS eligibility, but just wanted to say I’m so so sorry you are experiencing this. It’s such a horrible limbo, not knowing whether to give up hope or keep believing when you’ve experienced so much bleeding (we have been there too). I imagine every day must feel like an eternity at the moment so I just wanted to send love and hugs ❤️ Xx

Picalilli99 profile image
Picalilli99 in reply to Picalilli99

P.s does your area have an EPU? Some areas have them where you can just turn up and it’s like a specialist pregnancy a&e service. You might have to wait a while but they can sometimes do a scan. We did this, but I know not all areas provide this type of service xxx

KayCan profile image

Hi there, could you perhaps get in touch with the hospital (maternity) and just plead a bit of ignorance and see if someone will see you today? It's unfair that you have to be stressed for another day. I really hope everything is ok, these early days are the worst 😔 xx

FrancyItaly profile image

Oh no, I’m feeling truly sad to hear this. How worried you must be! You can go to A&E and see if they can do a scan or something. I understand the feeling of emptiness and that you feel hopeless, but it happened before that women passed big clots and the pregnancy continued. Did you experience pain? Miscarriage are associated with intense pain, at least it was painful for me.

Lots8788 profile image

Sorry to hear this. Really hope it all works out ok. Our Early Pregnancy Unit were great,may be worth contacting them and asking to go down for bloods/ scan. Ours were only open Mon to Fri but there was a gynocological ward open at weekends that took over. Hope you can get seen and know more about what's going on very soon x big hugs x

KiboXX profile image

I know others have already said it but I was told to contact EPU if there was any heavy bleeding or severe pain.

So sorry you’re going through such a worrying time. Sending you a big hug xxx

Sammy246 profile image

Hi I've had similar incident as you. La st week Tuesday. It started off with brown discharge and then a very heavy period of blood with clots. I had lost hope but I did go A&E and after sitting there for iver 5 hours, having a urine test which was showing positive pregnancy. I was transferred to the maternity ward. The doctor there just checked whether my cervix was opened or closed. It was closed and my bleeding at that point had stopped. Bloods were taken and I was told to go home and call in the morning. In the morning I was told the blood tests weren't back yet and that someone will call me once they are back. Around 5 late afternoon I received the call advising me that my hormone levels were high and I had to come in for a scan. The next day they have seen a sac and egg yolk but no fetel pole. They think I'm still early in my pregnancy and think I'm around 5 weeks to 5.5 weeks but by my calculations I'm 6 weeks after my FET. I have another scanned booked in 2 weeks time. So please dont think negative and go to A&E. Good luck and big hugs xx

Jam-master profile image

Hi, not exactly the same as you but I’ve been cramping on and off the last few days and this morning had quite a lot of blood. I’m still bleeding but can’t figure out if there are clots as there seems to be a lot of mucusy discharge that’s dark. Phoned the clinic and they’re going to take bloods tomorrow.

They did say to try not to worry, it’s very hard to know anything for sure, and that’s what I would say to you as well. You don’t know unless you get checked. I hope you’re not stressing too much xx

Cinderella5 profile image

I'm so sorry to hear that you are going through this!! I've seen a fair few ladies on here have bleeding and some even passing clots and all has been ok. You could still be in with a chance, you didnt mention being in pain or anything so I'm hoping that's a positive thing. A lady whom I cycled with at the same time had her baby fairly recently after lots of bleeding a clots and she thought it was over yoo but it wasnt. I wasnt so lucky, had minimal bleeding and passed one large clot at 6wks but I had really bad cramping. Hugs, thinking of you at this difficult time.xxx

So sorry to hear this my lovely but I feel in the same boat as you as been bleeding more over the last few days - I had to go to A&E as my HCG was not rising so the clinic advised I needed to go to EPU to rule out ectopic. I have had 2 internals which they can’t see a sac in the uterus but pregnancy test is positive so they have called it a pregnancy of unknown location. I went back for bloods yesterday and waiting to hear tomorrow. Again I have read on here and had people tell me they have had bleeding and even period and still had positive pregnancy. Everyone body is different just remember that xx thinking of you ❤️

I had exactly this after my FET at 6 weeks. Lots of blood, cramps and clots. Phoned my GP who sent me to A&E. As it was a Friday I wasn’t scanned til the Monday and everything was fine then literally that afternoon I had a huge gush whilst in the car and soaked through my clothes and seat and I wasn’t allowed to be scanned again til the following week. Everything was fine again. I now have a two year old.

Bleeding isn’t always bad news just try and prepare either way. Good luck and I’ve got everything crossed for you x

Tiddly1984 profile image

So sorry you’re going through this. I still don’t think you’re out so please don’t give up hope just yet. You also, if I’m not mistaken, should be entitled to NHS assistance, if the outcome isn’t positive, as you would still fit the criteria of not having a living child. Hoping all goes well...x

RhinoCat profile image

Can’t you ring the clinic or ring a and e for advice or reassurance . Such a stress . Sending hugs 💖💖💐💐💐💐🙏🏻

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