ANXIETY IS THROUGH THE ROOF 6 weeks 5... - Fertility Network UK

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Ttcbabymcg profile image
11 Replies

Hey everyone!

This place is my saviour! And you have all helped me so much, I thought I would write down my thoughts ❤️

As mentioned before i feel I implanted late as had a faint line at 9dp5dt. On official test (14dp5dt) day my HCG was 356. They retested 48 hrs later and out shot up to 1007. I was v shocked by this as thought it only at a maximum doubled. Are there reasons to tripping HCG? They didn’t sound concerned by my brain obviously doesn’t listen to this.

I am now PETRIFIED for my 7 week scan that there won’t be a heartbeat. Is this common? And if it was a blighted ovum/ missed misscaridge would there usually be signs.

I’m sorry I am so pessimistic, I have had a v v tough few years with my health, I think I find it hard to believe my body is doing something amazing for once.

Ps... I had pre genetic testing as I have a neurological disorder I wanted to prevent.

Thank you as always xxx

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Ttcbabymcg profile image
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11 Replies
KiboXX profile image

Hi Ttcbabymcg,

Everything your feeling is completely normal! I’m 6+3 and I am struggling to be excited about my scan on Thursday because I’m terrified there won’t be a heartbeat. The whole IVF process is just one worry after another!

Don’t stress about the numbers, they say double as a general rule or thumb over 24-72 hours so your numbers are fine.

I also had PGS testing, you think that would help the anxiety but it doesn’t!

Roll on those scan dates and fingers crossed it’s the reassurance that we both need. Always here if you need to talk xx

Hey, congrats on your pregnancy.

What I am going to say isnt really very helpful, but whilst anxiety is totally normal and totally understandable it literally doesn't help anything at all.

All you can do is channel your positivity, and focus on giving this pregnancy the best chance. Your numbers look good and sound good, so there is no reason why this should fail.

As someone who has had a number of MC I can confirm that a) sometimes you know and sometimes you don't - there really is no golden rule and b) being pessimistic or worrying doesnt help in the slightest and also doesnt make anything easier if something does go wrong, so instead you have wasted weeks worrying and what if-ing and actually being miserable when the chances are everything will be fine and you needn't have worried anyway.

Celebrate your pregnancy and try to enjoy the journey, masses of luck for your scan xx

EmGLA profile image


I completely understand! I am 5 weeks and my clinic don’t scan until 8 weeks so I’m sooo anxious. I’ve been totally reading into my symptoms as well! I felt really nauseated this morning so I’m taking that for a win!

I have no idea how common these scenarios are but they are the ones that have been going round and round in my head too. My OH said to me the other day that it was against the odds for us to get to this stage and now the odds are actually in our favour so I should try to chill out a bit.

It’s so hard though.

What day is your scan?


Ttcbabymcg profile image
Ttcbabymcg in reply to EmGLA

Congratulations!!!!! It’s so hard isn’t it! I have had a very tough few years (not fertility related) which has caused e trend anxiety in me anyway! It’s very annoying when people say “don’t worry”, gosh only if it was that easy haha! Did you have blood test for your hcg? What were your readings??? My scan is friday.... gosh I am so anxious! I am also feeding tube dependant but my tube has come out, and they don’t want to replace with sedation, but cant be done with out sedation, so I’m in an awkward situation . I’m also on a selection of medications which even though they are very aware of....‘I’m so scared I’m harming baby 😢. Congratulations lovely! Keep in touch cx

EmGLA profile image
EmGLA in reply to Ttcbabymcg


Thanks for the congrats. No my clinic don’t do blood tests they are happy with a home pregnancy test.

Oh I’m sorry you’ve had such a rough time with your own health. I’m a pharmacist so I know I always triple check meds if I know the patient is pregnant or trying for a baby, but I completely appreciate this would also be a worry for you!

Definitely let me know how you get on with your scan.

🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼for us both


Charliebenj profile image

No long now, Friday will come and I’m sure you will get the reassurance you need.

I know exactly how you feel, paranoid about ectopic pregnancy, no heartbeat, empty sac, the works. But you are so close to your next milestone so you can do this.

I’ve heard the anxiety never goes so it’s about how we can find coping mechanism as apparently when the baby arrives the anxiety is worse than pregnancy 😳

However all this is worth it for a little bundle so good luck Hun, you’ve got this.


Tiddly1984 profile image

Hi 😊 HCG can beyond double if carrying multiples and at others times there’s no real explanation other than high hormone levels. I’m sure there’s no negative reason for this...x

Rainbowhope profile image

Hi sweets. I have no answers but I just wanted to give you a massive 🤗🤗🤗 i spent the whole day stressed about hcg levels and its been awful. My doctor made me so annoyed that I spent the whole day worrying about impact on my baby. I'm already worry about the heartbeat. Waiting is the worst thing

fridayfever profile image

I'm also 6 weeks and driving myself crazy with every twinge.

My clinic relies on a pregnancy test until they scan me next week and as you say I'm absolutely terrified to get too excited.

Fingers crossed for you for your scan and all this worry will be worth it xx

ttcemmie profile image

Sorry you're feeling so anxious. This journey really does play with your head, and even (or especially) the positive result of a pregnancy can still be an anxiety-ridden time. We're here for you. Hopefully you get your positivity back soon and that you can enjoy the wonderful gift of pregnancy. Best wishes. xxx

JoP32 profile image

Hi. I just wanted to say that your numbers look great so everything is pointing towards things being ok!

I know it’s tough and anxiety at this stage can be really high however as others have said try and stay calm and think positive, because you’re doing all the right things.

Hopefully the scan will put your mind at rest for a bit! I’ll be keeping my fingers crossed for you 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻 - please let us know how you get on.

We’re routing for you! 😘💐🌈xx

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