No bloods from my clinic, just a scan... - Fertility Network UK

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No bloods from my clinic, just a scan date

PenneyPots profile image
17 Replies

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So I have just called my clinic and they said that they don’t do blood tests to confirm as the home pregnancy tests are enough. Due to the amount of HCG you need for it to become positive.

My scan is booked for the 4th of March where they said I will be 7 weeks. This makes it a week less than how we have all been working it out. I had the transfer on the 27th Jan.

Just a little bit confused by it all. Would anyone go to the doctors just for peace of mind or just wait until the 4th March for the 7weeks scan. I need to go there to pick up a prescription for meds but that’s it.

These tests should be enough for me to chill though 😬

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PenneyPots profile image
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17 Replies
bms12 profile image

My transfer was also 27th of jan, I have a scan at 6 weeks which is booked for the 20th of this month so you'll be more like 8 weeks when you have your scan? X

I wouldn't worry because getting a positive home test is good enough, getting a blood test won't make any difference to the results of the scan, especially when you will continue with prescription meds either way.

Congratulations on your positive result 💖💖💖, my transfer date was February 29th, so we are almost transfer buddies 😀

Crista240411 profile image


Regarding the calculation, I was told that the wk of transfer counted as wk3, ie you count as wk1 2wks before then, if it makes sense.

Dolly8 profile image

Congratulations. All is ok with just preg tests and Dr can’t do anything else. Well they can do HCG but you don’t need them as you are prego with assume no bad symptoms? I would though do what you need to do to register your pregnancy with the midwife team as they can get you booked in for booking appointment etc. All the best x

My clinic doesn’t do blood tests so just had to wait for scan at 8 weeks x

Hi Penney! Wow tests look great, getting darker 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻So that’s reassuring. I’ve done my beta this morning, waiting for results. My transfer was Tuesday 28th Jan so that makes me 4 weeks + 4 days today, they’ve booked me a scan for Tuesday 25th Feb when I’ll be 6 weeks + 5 if you had your transfer on Monday 27th (a 5 day transfer) that makes you one day ahead of me, 4 weeks and 5 days today. 🍀🤞🏻🍀🤞🏻🍀🤞🏻🍀🤞🏻

ttcemmie profile image

Hi lovely. My clinic also doesn't do bloods. I wouldn't be worried about it. 4th March seems ages away (especially when we're used to so many appointments), but there is no need to go earlier than this unless you're worried about anything specifically. There isn't any need to go to the doctors', but I might be tempted just to have another person confirm it! My husband would disagree, though.

dreams28 profile image

Congrats. Wishing you a happy and healthy pregnancy. Day of transfer is classed as week 2 exactly. Then day after 2 weeks 1 day and so on. You can get ivf date calculator online. So if you had transfer on 27th jan you will be 7 weeks on 2nd march, So 7 weeks and 2 days on 4th march. All the best.

Charliebenj profile image

Every clinic seems to have different policy regarding hcg tests, but I personally found it reassuring to see the progression of the early pregnancy whether it be paying for early scans or multiple hcg tests.

If (unlike me) you can hold out to the 7 week scan then that’s brill and you should as I’m sure it will be fine. I am just overly anxious as I can’t afford any more rounds.

Good luck and congratulations 🥳

Ttcbabymcg profile image

Hey lovely!

Gosh I am one to listen to my advice, but you have lovely strong lines, so you are deff pregnant! Try and relax (easier said then done I know)

Unless they do two blood tests 48 hrs apart I guess even bloods won’t show much! My clinic wanted to make sure that my levels were doubling!!

Regarding the date use this link (it has different options depending on what sort of embryo you transfer)

Good luck! I had my FET 13 Jan and have my scan next Friday (I’m waiting as hubby is working away and wanted him to be there).... I won’t believe I am pregnant until I have this scan haha 😂. I have had a v v v bad few years wIth my health and won’t/can’t believe my body is doing something good for once!!

If you do have your bloods done privetly.... you will be best to have the two, as only then will you know things are progressing as they should, but with such strong lines i would be fairly confident. ❤️❤️


HollyT7 profile image

I ended up asking /begging my clinic for bloods, I paid for the first one and as it came back high, they said not to bother with the second. For peace of mind you could ask the clinic or you doctor, I said I was really struggling mentally as we had a chemical before and they ended up agreeing. All the best and congratulations!! ❤️

My clinic dont do bloods, and we just POAS and then rock up at their guesstimate for 7 weeks for a scan - it sounds very normal and I would wait it out. Like you say those tests are very strong and positive looking. Congrats! x

KayCan profile image

I didn't have a blood test either to confirm pregnancy, I was booked in for a viability scan at 7 weeks and that was it. I remember doing a pregnancy test the week before the scan just for peace of mind!!

Massive congrats on the positive result though!! 4th March will be here before you know it 💕

EmGLA profile image


Congratulations on your positive test.

I had my transfer (blastocyst) on the 25th of January. I got a BFP too, my clinic also don’t do blood work they only scan on week 8 so my appointment is the 6th of March and it feels soo long to wait.

I’m so nervous. I actually said to my bf I might want to go for a private scan but i think regardless I would still be terrified.


Core profile image

Congratulations on your BFP xx

RhinoCat profile image

I’m sure your gp can do bloods if you ask? I’d probably not be able to settle myself until I would ask

fridayfever profile image

I know the feeling, my clinic relies on pregnancy test too.

Driving myself mad until my scan date on 20th xx

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