---EDIT--- Name of company at bottom of post.
Hi ladies,
In Nov we said goodbye to our NHS clinic as we have exhausted our NHS-funded IVF rounds and are off in the big scary world of Private treatment. We will be TTC naturally again whilst we save for IVF but I do want to get my AMH tested as I am sure it has decreased significantly from when it was tested about 2 years ago!
I have been searching online for an at-home fertility test (AMH / FSH) and I know MediChecks is one that has been suggested/recommended. But where we are a bit tight for £ I have found a website that is currently offering a whopping 75% discount - so the actual test is coming to about £18. Something just feels weird about it tho as that is a pretty huge discount so wanted to know if anyone has heard/used this company before? I am not sure if I am allowed to add the name of the website so for anyone who is interested in helping me play detective, I can DM you, lol.
Many thanks in advance! xx
Company is called fertilityconnected.com